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"I'll be fine Mika. I'm going to be spending the day with Lacus anyway so I won't be lonely." I said earnestly.

"Are you sure? Lacus can be a bit reckless sometimes." Mika asked.

"I'm reckless sometimes too. Don't worry, we won't intentionally put ourselves in danger." I giggled at his concern as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips. He kissed back, making me smile before we broke apart with our foreheads together. "I love you."

"I love you too." He replies with a ghost of a smile on his lips. "Are you still spending the night with him?"

"Yeah, I figured it'd be easier than waking up without you and having to drive over in the morning." I nodded as I moved to the closet and pulled out a shirt and some jeans. Next I pulled some pj's out of the dresser and shoved it all in a bag along with my toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, and whatever else I might need.

"Okay." He said before grabbing his keys. "I'll drive you over there and we can see if Rene would like to come back here since we will be traveling together anyway."

"Hey, that's a great idea. Then you won't be alone!" I exclaimed happily.

He giggled a bit before leading me out the door.

We arrived at Lacus and Rene's place within 15 minutes. On the way there, I had talked to Rene about our plans and he agreed. Mika parked the car and turned to face me before pulling me in for a kiss. I complied and kissed back, our simple action turning passionate rather quickly. His lips became needy and I retaliated with the same amount of energy.

Someone knocked on the window, breaking our makeout session. I turned around and found Lacus with his hands on his hips and a playful look of disappointment playing on his lips.

I giggled and turned back to Mika. "Alright, see you tomorrow evening."

"You too." He booped my nose with his finger before I climbed out of the car, my spot being replaced by the dark haired boy.

"See you tomorrow." I hollered as Lacus laughed and Mika drove away.

"Okay, no boring boyfriends for 23 hours, 17 minutes, and 23 seconds. What are we going to do?" The purple haired male asks excitedly as we head inside to put my stuff away.

"The possibilities are endless." I added as he laughed and I plopped down on the couch.

"Well, I have a few ideas." He smirks with a glint in his eye that told me we weren't going to be bored. "First of all, we are going to eat sushi because I can't have it with Rene. He hates it."

"So does Mika!" I gasp.

"Did we make a mistake when we went boyfriend shopping?" He asked. "We should date each other instead." He joked as I laughed. "Anyway, it is almost 7 and I made reservations at my favorite sushi place for 7:30."

With a new skip in my step and an equally excited male behind me, we climbed into his car and jammed out to music as we went to eat.

After we ordered, we began telling each other embarrassing stories about our boyfriends. We laughed so hard we were crying and had to ask the waitress to give us a few minutes to collect ourselves before we could order dessert. I'm surprised we even finished our food and were out of there by 8:45.

"What do you want to do now?" He asked happily, a smile permanently plastered on his face since he got to have his favorite food for the first time in a long time.

"Um... let's watch scary movies. Mika hates them and refuses to step foot in the room while I'm watching one. He puts on his headphones and blasts his music while he draws." I exclaim.

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