A Father's Love

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"Mr. Ichinose, I would like to ask for your permission to marry your son." The blonde tells me with sincerity in his eyes. I feel myself go numb. My little boy. He wants to propose to my little boy.

Shakily, with a forced smile, I nod. "Of course. You have my blessing"

When he leaves, I can only stare at the wall. I am happy for them, I really am. I trust Mikaela with not to hurt my little boy, but it's hard to let him go when there is a possibility that he'll lose Mikaela just like I lost his mother. I didn't want him to feel that kind of pain.

I exhaled a shaky breath as I rub my face with my hands, tears threatening to spill. It's pathetic for me to cry, but I can't help it. My son is grown up and about to be proposed to but I can't bring myself to want to let him go. Not yet anyway.

As the memory of the day flashes through my mind, I take my son's arm and offer him a smile that he returns. He is dressed in a white suit with black trimming, a spark in his eyes that concealed his nerves.

"Yuu, before I walk you down that aisle and give you away, I just want you to know that I'm happy for you." His bright green eyes stare into my violet ones as I speak. "I love you so, so much." I pull him into a hug that he returns, hiding his face in my shoulder.

"I love you too dad." He murmurs before pulling back to look me in the eyes again. "No matter what, I will always be your little boy."

I smile as the music cues us to begin walking down the aisle.

His eyes immediately find the person he fell in love with and I can't help but envy them. When I give him away, I take my seat as a memory floods my mind.

A blue bundle with a mess of black hair and curious eyes is placed in my arms. He reaches for me but I can't reach back. Looking at him hurts. He is beautiful, just like his mother. He whines a bit and I manage to smile.

"Welcome to the world, Yuichiro." As I leave the room with him still in my arms, the frail frame of his mother flashing behind my eyelids as she asks me to love and care for our child.

As I watch him shift in my arms I smile as I murmur three little words.

"I love you."

He giggles and reaches for my face as I let out a broken laugh.

I'm the first one to love him. The first one to caress his tiny face and hold his hand. I'm the first one to feed him. I'm the first one to witness his little laugh as well as his first smile.


He's 16 years old now.

He's getting ready for prom with his boyfriend. The boy is a tall man with pink hair and glasses. The first boy to ever steal my son's heart.

I'm sitting on the couch as he enters the room with a happy smile. He asks me to teach him dance. He starts some music and pulls me off the couch with a giggle as I smile and lead him through the steps of a simple waltz.

He steps on my feet a few times, but I don't mind.

He continues to clumsily dance with me as I smile fondly at him, soaking in every moment I have with him like it's our last.

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