My Little Boy

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He spins and sways to every song that plays, completely carefree and oblivious to the troubles in the world.

I smile softly as he giggles, my mind racing with the work that still needs to be done. The world's weight presses down on my shoulders as the amount of work left races through my mind. I stand from the table and reach for my bag when a small hand grabs my sleeve.

"Daddy, dance with me." He says happily, his innocence shining brightly through his eyes.

I open my mouth to deny him but he beats me to it.

"Please daddy. Please?"

"Alright." I nod, allowing his tiny figure to lead me into the living room. He reaches up, laughing as I lift him. As he rests on my hip, I hold his free hand and move in circles, swaying slightly.

His small laugh turns out the music as I move with him in my arms.

His laughter dies down after a few more songs, his little head laying on my shoulder as he drifts off to sleep.

Carrying him to his bed, I lay him down softly, covering him with the blankets.

The serenity on his face never fails to pull at my heart strings. His beautiful blue eyes covered by his eyelids, long lashes adorning them. Light shadows trail down his cheeks from the moonlight, his blonde hair shining, making him look angelic.

"I love you, my beautiful boy." After kissing his forehead, I leave the room.


"Dad, are you home?" My son's voice echoes through the house.

"I'm in the kitchen Kaela."

As he approaches, I hear another set of footsteps. I turn around and spot him holding hands with a raven haired boy.

His eyes are the brightest green I have ever seen, his skin a nice tan.

"Dad, this is my boyfriend, Yuichiro. Yuu, this is my dad." Kaela smiles.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Bathory." The boy greets formally, holding his hand out for a handshake.

"Likewise." I nod as I study him. He looks oddly familiar and it bugs me that I can't figure it out. "If you don't mind me asking, who is your father?"

"Guren Ichinose." He responds with no hesitance.

That explains it.

"Ah." I nod slightly. "So, how long have you and my son been together?"

"A week. If you want to know, we already told my parents and they're okay with us as long as you are."

"Of course." I smile before turning back around. "Would you like to stay for dinner? I was just about to get started on it."

"If I won't be in the way, I'd be delighted to." He returns the smile.

I nod at Kaela as he giggles and pulls his boyfriend out of the room.

I smile softly as I cook, the sound of music filling the home as laughter filters in through the doorway.


"Dad, can you help me with something?" Kaela hollers from the other room.

"Yeah, what is it?" I step into the room and find him swaying side to side.

"Dance with me?" He extends a hand.

I smile through a sigh. "Of course."

As I wrap him up in my arms, I feel a sense of longing. Tears burn my eyes as I force them back. My little boy is growing up so fast. Who knew that time would fly from the minute he was born to the night before graduation.

"I love you dad." He whispers.

"I love you too." I reply as he squeezes me. I squeeze back, feeling as though this moment would disappear if I didn't.

"Are you ready?" I murmur.

"Sort of." He replies with a soft laugh.

"You can do it. I believe in you."

"Thanks dad."



The door bursts open. I close my book as Kaela yells for me from downstairs.

I race down the stairs in a panic, prepared for anything he would tell me.

Or so I thought.

The second I hit the bottom step he throes himself into my arms, pushing me down so we were sitting on the stairs with his laughing figure was settled next to me.


"He proposed!" He exclaims happily.

"What?" Did I hear him right?

"He proposed! Yuu proposed."



A smile breaks out on my face upon seeing his look of excitement.

"I'm happy for you."

He laughs before hugging me.

"When's the wedding?" I ask.

"We're banking on the 28th of May." He replies quickly.

I nod before the realization set in. May 28th? It's October 16th. That's just over six months away.

"Hey dad." He says softly.

"Hm." I hum in response.

"Dance with me?"

I smile gently, a tear slipping down my cheek. "Of course."

And we did. We danced like there was no tomorrow. Laughs and tears filled our time as he moved to the different rhythms of music playing through the radio speakers.


A white suit with gold trimming adorned his figure. His blue eyes shine bright with a spark I've never seen before.

"How do I look? Dad?"

I'm brought out if my daze by the concern laced in his voice.

"Oh, great, Kaela. You look great." I smile.

He smiles before wrapping his arms around me. "No matter what, I will always love you."

"I know son." I hug him back.

We brak apart as one of the planners tell us that it's time.

Together, we walk to the hall holding the ceremony. His hand is shaking a bit as it clutches my arm. I pat it a few times to calm his jitters. After a deep breath and a reassuring smile, we are walking down the aisle.

The sight of his almost husband clears him of his jitters. He doesn't break eye contact with the green eyed boy and the smile never falters.

Once he is in the hands of his lover, I take my place in the front row on the left as they exchange the vows that would be bind them together forever.


He pulls me onto the dance floor with a smile only I would recieve. To many others it would look like a normal smile. No, I see my little boy in that smile. I see the innocent, beautiful eight year old dancing in the loving room once again. I see the 16 year old introducing me to his boyfriend for the first time. I see the 17 year old that asked me to dance in the living room the night before his graduation. I see the 20 year old that told me he was going to be getting married.

But, above all that, I see my little boy. My child. My baby. My life. My Kaela.

He starts us off, slowly swaying to the music with his head on my shoulder.

"Dad, I just want you to know that, no matter where I am or what I'm doing, I will always be your little boy."

"I know." I smile.

Mikayuu OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now