Isn't it Obvious

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"I expect great things from you Hyakuya. You are a Luetenant Colonel now." Seishiro said with a ghost of a smile on his lips as he looked down at me. "I know you will never be able to fully fill the shoes others have put down before you, but I bet you will do great things. Keep up the good work." He nodded before walking away.

"Congatulations Yuu! You earned it." Yoichi congratulated with a bright smile as he approached me, closely followed by the rest of the Shinoa squad.

"Thanks." I laughed.

"Yeah yeah, he only got it because Guren and Shinya adopted him two years ago. They probably bribed the leaders to promote him." The telephone pole retorted.

"Is somebody jealous?" Shinoa asked with a smirk.

"Of this lunatic? Absolutely not." He pointed at me.

I sighed and shook my head as Yoichi held back a laugh. "Well, I think I'm gonna head out." I say and start walking away.

"But Yuu, the night is still young." Shinoa complains.

"If you think 1 in the morning and 6 drunk adults means that the night is still young then by all means stay here, but I'm tired and want to get home before I have to get up in the morning." I reply before bidding them all goodnight and left the building, my shoulders slumped and my smile gone.

I get in my car and start it before driving home. I park in front of my house and shut off the vehicle before resting my head on the steering wheel.

I wish he were here. No matter what I do or how hard I try, I can never seem to find him again. After the first war against the vampires, we have come to a feeble agreement not to kill each other unless we are threatened or in each other's territory. That was 6 years ago and I haven't seen him since.

I miss him.

With a sigh I leave the car and go to unlock my front door only to find that it's unlocked already. Weary of the situation, I draw my sword from its sheath and gently push the door open. The room is dark and not a sound can be heard.

That is until a shuddering gasp filled the silence followed by a cough and a voice. It was raspy and barely audible, but it was there. I scan the room carefully and spot a figure sitting by my couch. They are holding themselves up on the cushion as their free hand is covering their throat. As my eyes finish adjusting to the darkness of my home, I can finally see the intruder better. I've determined that he is a male vampire. He's weak.

I walk up to stand next to him as I raise my sword. "Die you filthy bloodsucker." I stated just as he turned around to look at me with bright red eyes.

From the light shining in from my open door and his new position, I could see his face clearly.

"Mika!" I exclaimed.

"Yuu-chan." He said before clutching his throat again.

I dropped my sword and crouched down next to him. "Are you alright? What's wrong?"

"It hurts. I can't stand it anymore." He cries out in agony.

Blood. He needs blood I figured quickly. I jumped up from my crouched position and closed my front door and locked it. I get back down beside him and pull him into me as he gasps in pain once again.

"Mika, drink mine." I tell him.

"But Yuu-chan, I don't want to hurt you." He mutters.

"But that's why you came here isn't it? So do it." I demand lightly.

He shakes his head stubbornly, causing me to sigh. "Do we want a repeat of what happened last time? I'll do it again and you know I will."

"No Yuu-chan! Don't hurt yourself again!" He exclaims, bolting up from my hold to Starr at me with wide eyes.

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