Prison Break

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"I'll be coming for you." He says into the earpiece.

"I know you will." I murmur just loud enough so he could hear but no one else could.

I was then slammed against the wall, hands pulled behind my back and bound together by medal links.

"Where's your partner in crime huh?" The man asked as he dragged me away from the wall and pushed me towards one of the many police cars.

"Vacation." I reply snarkily, recieving a smack on the back of my head for my sarcasm. "What? It's true. I'll bet that he won't make another appearance for at least a week. Maybe longer. Maybe shorter. You never know. Besides, we're called phantoms for a reason. We're in and out faster than you can detect our presence." I laugh. "And they call you the city's protectors? That's messed up."

"Shut up kid." The man grunts, making me laugh again.

I was shoved into the backseat and buckled in, making sure to throw in a scandalous comment while he reached over me. Then, I was being transported to the nearest prison. Which just so happened to be the one with the highest amount of security and held the more dangerous bad guys.

"Idiots." I heard Mika sigh through the earpiece. I chuckled quietly, making sure my driver didn't hear me.

"What's your plan?" I ask.

"What are you talking about boy?" He asked.

"Nothing." I shrug nonchalantly as Mika's laugh filled my ear.

"Don't worry partner, I have a plan."

"Oh I bet you do." I reply, recieving another irritated glare from the officer.

Mika went silent after that. We pulled up to the doors of the building that would house me for the time being.

I obeyed their every command, giving them whatever they needed. About halfway through the entrance part of this process, I was forced to change behind a feeble curtain. My black suit and holsters were taken once I finished pulling on the orange outfit. Next, I got my picture taken in front of a black and white board with a bunch of numbers lining the sides. My name was on a board that I had to hold while this was being done. Finally, I was put back in handcuffs and led to an elevator, a guard on either side. We reached one of the last floors of the building. To be honest it could very easily be considered a multi-layered basement.

As I was led, and followed, down a multitude of hallways, I took in my surroundings, taking silent note of everything I saw and had seen since I arrived. At the end of the last hallway, we entered an iron door with bolts on it. Inside was another door, just as heavily bolted. It was opened and, after the handcuffs were removed, I was thrown inside.

On the right was a sorry excuse for a bed, the mattress so thin a bedbug could feel the bars under it. The blanket was no better, so ragged and thin I almost mistook it for an old torn up newspaper. The pillow was no better. On the opposite side was a sink, urinal, mirror, and crate. In the crate were the slim essentials I would need to even survive in my "new home". Behind me, just above my height, was a small barred window.

"Wow, feels like I'm staying in a castle." I commented, voice heavily coated in sarcasm.

"Glad you like it phantom. This will be your home for a while." The guard sneered before slamming the door closed.

Once his footsteps faded away and the other door could be heard closing, I sat up against the wall and began to quietly speak to Mika, making sure to tell him every little detail that would be of importance.

"There are four guards standing outside the door I entered in. Six patrol the lobby and guard the woman behind the desk. There is a hallway on either side of the room and a door next to the hall on the left. Behind the desk is a smaller, narrower hallway that leads past five doors, two on one side, three on the other. At the end of the hall, there is another door. Beyond that is a small room that looks like a lounge. To the right, if you concentrate hard enough, there is a small nook in the wall by the corner. If you press into it with your finger, the wall will open up to a hallway. At the end of the hallway is an elevator. There are 3 sub-levels to the building. I am on the third floor. From there, you will go down the hall and take a right followed by the next left. There is an iron door with an obnoxious amount of bolts and locks on it. Through there is a small room and another iron door just like the first. That's where you'll find me." I tell him.

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