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Insults filled his ears as his bullies taunted him.

Ever since he came out as gay, he has been getting a lot of hate most of the guys at school. The girls were okay with it because that was one less male they needed to worry about trying to get into their pants. If only it wasn't always like this.

Seraph High is a school known for its reputation. It was a prestigious school once, always getting recommendations and front page of magazines for the best role model school in the area, but things changed.

All because of the student that went psycho.

Six years ago, there was a student that attended the school with a reputation as a troublemaker. He never did his work, talked back to teachers, fought students, and was always bringing something dangerous into the building. It's a wonder he never got suspended. Some people even wonder how he got into the school. Then, one day, he didn't show up. This raised suspicions amongst the staff and students because, although he was an overall bad student, he never missed a day of school. Not when he was in elementary school, not when he was in middle school, not when he was in junior high, and definitely not when he was in high school.

He was a junior. He went missing. No one knows where he went, no one knows who the culprit is, and, despite their concern, everyone is curious.

What happened to the boy? Where did he go? Will he ever be found?

This went on for weeks. That is, until he showed up again.

There was no warning. No one expected to see him again. But they did.

When he got back, he was different.

He stayed quiet, avoided confrontation, did his work, listened to the teachers, and never caused trouble. It's like he was a completely different person. Until he snapped.

Someone had enough of his so-called "game" and decided to fight him. It all happened so fast. One second it's a normal day, the next there is a loud bang and the sound of screaming, rushed steps, and obscene words being shouted at another.

A kid was shot and killed.

Since then, the school has lost its reputation for being prestigious and parents were hesitant to  send their kids to Seraph High but some people did.

There haven't been any more incidents like that one, but kids have been bolder. They are more open about their dislikes towards gays and aren't afraid to insult them in the halls or in front of the teachers. It's gotten so out of hand there is hardly anything the teachers can do about it now.

Everyone goes on like nothing happened, everyone ignoring the blatant fact that the school is falling apart at the seams.

For some it's good and they enjoy going to school. For others, it's a prison you attend daily for the sole pleasure of those around you.

But, for one boy, although he is made fun of and insulted, he smiles and laughs with his friends like nothing is happening. He knew this would happen but that didn't stop him from coming out. He loved that people knew of his preferences. He didn't feel like he was hiding anything. Besides, the insults don't bother him. He takes it as a form of constructive criticism and uses their words to better himself and anger them further. It's his form of enjoyment and he's fine with it.

But, his friend isn't.

(Mika's POV)

I pulled my books out of my locker and narrowly evaded one of the other students being shoved into me. I exited the building and stood near my first hour class where I was sure Yuu would meet up with me.

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