Memories (part 3)

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(Yuu's POV)

The sounds of his voice breaking as he finished speaking broke me even more than seeing that Rene and Lacus were right about him being in pain. He put on a convincing facade but I could tell everytime he looked at me that his heart was shattered. I yearned to comfort him but I didn't remember how I used to do that. I know he loves me although he hasn't said it. Just his actions and the way he talks to me shows that he still loves me. The old me.

He covered his face in his hands as he cried a little harder. He tried to suppress his sobs but it didn't work. After a few minutes, he took a deep breath and looked over at me with the saddest expression I have seen in my life.

Suddenly, out of the blue, a memory of the two of us flooded my memory.


We are sitting on the couch. I'm holding him in my arms as he cries into my sweater. His frame is trembling and he can't seem to catch his breath.

"Shh, it's alright, everything is going to be alright." I say softly, kissing his forehead. "You won't be alone again. I'm sorry for leaving without warning you."

He has always been afraid that I was going to leave him. Ever since he was little he has been through many different abandonment situations. The first being that his parents left him at the door of an old orphanage when he was six. He was taken in and treated kindly for three years until they went bankrupt and, since he was the oldest and the caretaker's sister only had room for 5, he was left alone. Skip forward to when he is 14, he is starting his first year of school. He is going into the 9th grade. He made a few friends and was finally starting to open up to others when, out of nowhere, he was ignored. For no reason. He was shut out and never given an explanation. He was destroyed for the third time in his years as a child. His adopted parents, Krul and Ferid, were sweet people and loved him dearly until Krul's untimely death while she was giving birth. The baby didn't make it either. This lead Ferid onto a path of depression from losing his love and unconsciously began to shut him out like everyone else.

I had left the house for 15 minutes to get a few things for dinner while he slept, thinking that he wouldn't wake until I returned.

I was wrong.

I walked into the house to find him crying on the floor in the front room, muttering incoherently through his sobs. After 10 minutes of convincing him that I was there and he wasn't hallucinating I managed to get him up to the couch where we were currently sitting.

He looks up at me with teary eyes and choking cries still leaving his throat. It was the look of a shattered heart.

"Mika. Angel. My love, I love you so, so much. I will never leave you like they did. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm so sorry baby." I tell him with a kiss on the head, followed by more kisses on his cheeks, nose, chin, knuckles, lips, and head.


The look on his face was the same as the one I am seeing again. The look I never wanted to see cross his features again.

Slowly, he took my hand in his and kissed the back of it, just like I did in the memory. He shifted and slowly lay down next to me. His hand clutching mine, keeping it close to his face as he bent his knees and pulled them up into they were lightly resting on my stomach. With nowhere to put my other hand, I lightly rested it above his knee on the lower part of his thigh.

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