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"Mika! Come on I'm tired!" My boyfriend yells from the bedroom. I chuckle a bit before pulling a shirt on over the scars on my back and torso.

I leave the bathroom and enter the bedroom to find a shirtless Yuu-chan laying on the bed with a slightly fatigued expression. I go to climb in bed with him but am stopped when he gets up and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me in for a sweet kiss.

My arms wrap around his neck as the kiss fills with more passion and need. He tugs at my shirt, making me squirm a bit.

Lost in the moment, I don't notice his hands venturing up my shirt until he freezes and pulls away, causing me to whine a bit until I see his gaze trained somewhere other than my face. I glance down and notice that he is looking at one of the scars on my stomach, his thumb grazing over it slowly.

I pull away and wrap my arms around myself. I've never taken my shirt off around anyone, especially Yuu. I didn't want him to see the hideous scars that covered my torso and crossed over my body.

"Mika." He whispers.

"Yuu-chan, I-" He cuts me off with another gentler kiss as my eyes begin to water. I wrap my arms tighter around myself when he steps back.

"Shh, it's okay." He murmurs. "Is that why you never want me to see you shirtless?"

I don't answer and he let's out a soft breath before gently taking the hem of my shirt in hand.

"May I see?" He asks. I look away before nodding slowly, knowing that he was going to see them someday.

Gently, he begins to lift my shirt up over my head, a subtle gasp escaping his lips as he takes in the scars on my body. His eyes meet mine as I try covering myself, tears sliding down my face.

One scar starts below my collar bone and ends just above my belly button. Two more run parallel from my shoulder and cross over the first. Countless smaller scars cover other parts of my skin. He walks around me and I can feel his hands slowly trace over the ugliest ones. There were so many scars crisscrossing my back, I would be surprised if someone didn't think it was the same one.

Suddenly, his hands rest on my hips and his lips meet the nape of my neck.

"Is this what he did to you?" He asks.

I nod as his lips press against one of the more prominent ones.

"You are absolutely beautiful." He kisses another. "You are amazing." He kisses another. "You are wonderful."

As he kisses each and every scar on my back and compliments me, tears slip down my cheeks. He moves around so he was in front of me again. He kisses the scar under my collar bone.

"You are gorgeous." His lips trail over to the scar at my shoulder. "You are worth it." He kisses the last big scar before meeting my lips again. "I love you. So, so much."

My lip trembles as I try not to cry harder. Me pulls me in for a hug. His arms around me in a secure hold.

"Don't be scared of me Mika. I know you are sometimes and I don't want you to be. I love you and never want to see that fear in your eyes again. I want you to know that I will love you, no matter what your body looks like. I will kiss your pain away, and kiss every scar on your body until you can learn to love them as much as I do because to me, these aren't scars that show weakness. These are scars that how a fighter. A warrior. Someone who hasn't given up. The scars that litter your body belong to an angel. My sweet, loving, caring angel." He says softly.

I wrap my arms around his neck again and hide my face in the crook of his neck. I could feel his hands slowly caressing my back and sides, being gentle with me in my fragile state. It hurts to know that he accepts me with these disgusting scars covering my skin. I don't want him to feel obligated to love me just because I'm not strong enough to be on my own.

But he doesn't care.

He loves me more than words can say. He shows me his love in every way possible, even if it is holding me while I cry or giving me space when I ask for it. He loves me enough to stay with me after two years of not going beyond kissing. He loves me enough to respect my wishes and live with the absence of his fingertips touching my skin. He understands even if he hasn't been through what I have.

My scars are my biggest insecurity, even bigger than my smile or my laugh. But he loves those too. He will do anything to see me smile or make me laugh because it brings him joy. I can only hope he will continue to love me even with my marred skin.

"I will never stop loving you Mika." He breathes into my hair.

I hug him tighter, the feeling of our torsos against each other bringing me a strange sense of comfort. Every breath he takes makes his stomach move in and out, pressing gently against mine.

I let out a shaky breath as he slowly takes us to the bed and lays down with me on top of him, my face still hidden in his neck. He covers us with the blanket before brushing my hair away from my face.

"To be honest, I love you even more now that I know about them." He traces my scars with a light touch. "They make you who you are and nothing will ever symbolize your strength more than they do."

I smile a little against his shoulder. "Thank you." I whispered.

"Anything for my angel." He replies.

I sit up a little and press my lips against his, sinking into the blissful feeling of his hands soothing my tense stature and his legs slowly moving to hold me tighter.

I lay back down once our lips separate and rest my hands on his stomach as my forehead presses against his chest.

"Goodnight my prince. I love you." He says as one hand begins running through my hair.

"I love you too, my raven." I whispered back as my breathing calms and I feel myself relaxing in his embrace, sleep slowly taking over my senses.

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