Forever and Always

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"Love, look." His soft, slightly raspy voice murmurs, pointing out to the sky, his green eyes shining with the light of a thousand stars, the playful teasing of a teenager dancing behind those orbs.

I make my way to him, carefully maneuvering around the furniture to avoid obtaining more bruising of my frail, sensitive skin. I look outside as another burst of color lights up the sky, accompanied by a pop that excited him when we were younger.

His greying hair and aging skin lights up with the array of colors. Even with age, he has always been just as beautiful as before, his eyes never losing their mischievous spark or his child-like antics.

I kiss his cheek softly, intertwining our fingers as he looks up at me.

"Aren't they beautiful?" He asks, turning back to the fireworks.

"Not as beautiful as you, little raven."

He blushes lightly at the old nickname. "When will you stop calling me that?"


"But my hair isn't even black anymore."

"I don't care. I still see that raven colored mess on your head even if it is now grey." I smile softly as he blushes deeper.

"Still just as sappy as you were when we were younger." He shakes his head in mock disappointment.

"Yeah, but you love me anyway."

"Of course. We've been married for 72 years."

I nod and pull him into a hug, our eyes going back to the lights outside.

We've lived a long, beautiful life together. Yuu is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and I'm sure that, when he goes, I'll be following shortly after. I don't mind that though. Living without him would hurt. I couldn't stand the thought of losing him when we were younger and that still remains the same now. He has always been there for me and I for him.

The day I became his, an Amane, was the happiest day of my life.

He is my forever, my world, and nothing will change that.

He looks up at me after a moment and smiles. I smile back at him before lightly kissing his lips,

I sigh contently as another round of fireworks light up the sky, casting a brief flow into our kitchen.

"I love you." I murmur into his hair.

"I love you too." He replies, resting his head on my shoulder.

Even after all these years. After all the arguments and mean things we have said to the best days of our lives, we are still together. If you ask me, we're stronger than most couples around us.

We've watched our friend's relationships fall apart and never mend. We've watched as our own children have gotten hurt because of lovers. I feel for them, I really do, but I am a little smug with the fact that, no matter what, Yuu and I have made it through all of those times and not given up on each other. I'll admit there were a few times I didn't think he would speak to me ever again.

But we pulled through and that's what matters. I squeeze him lightly as a small tear slips from my eye.

I know he won't be here much longer, but that won't keep me from loving him just as much as I always have. This stupid sickness will take him away from me, but that won't matter because I know we'll meet again.

My love. My light. My world. My everything. Yuu, my wonderful, beautiful, smart, caring husband. I will always love you.

In life after death, just like our vows, I will be yours if you'll have me, just like we said on the day of our wedding.

Forever and always.

Mikayuu OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now