Work From Home

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A blue eye is revealed as its lid is cracked open, taking in the dim light of the room. He picks his phone up off the nightstand and checks the time. 7:04. Sighing, he slowly climbs out of bed and glances over at the sleeping black haired boy in the other side. His hair covered half his face, leaving one eye uncovered and his parted lips untouched.

He chuckled lightly as he spotted a bit of drool at the corner of his mouth. He was precious. With a small kiss on the head, he leaves the room, going to make himself a cup of coffee to wake him up.

Just less than thirty minutes later, the blonde is sitting at his desk, coffee in hand as he waits for his computer to warm up.

It had snowed the night before and blocked all the roads so his boss told them to work from home and finish their assignments before they could do whatever they wanted for the rest of the day.

He opened up his files and emailed his boss before getting to work.

In the room, a young ravenette continues to sleep soundly, undisturbed by the world. His sluggish movements the only indicator that he was still breathing. It's been three hours since his lover left the room.

It is nearing 11 in the morning and the boy finally stirs awake, reaching across the bed, yearning for the warmth only one person could give him. He groaned before closing his eyes again, hating the morning and the light it brought. If only it could stay dark for a few more hours.

He rolled over and tried to get comfortable again but was greeted with nothing but a stubborn war with his brain and body. One urging him to go back to sleep while the other disagreed and kept him awake.

He looks around the room and a small smile spreads across his lips as his eyes land on the sight of a suit draped across the chair in the corner of the room.

"Mika's home." He murmured sleepily before slowly sitting up. He stretched his arms above his head sighing in satisfactory as his joints stretched. Sleepily, he through his legs over the side of the bed and started to leave the room. His steps were slow and he rubbed his eyes as he walked, stumbling a bit since he was still heavily layered with sleep.

Mika continued his work as his colleagues, Lacus, Yoichi, Ferid, Shinya, and Rene talked a bit while they worked. Since their boss, Guren, didn't believe that they would get their work done without supervision, he demanded that they always had video calls. Whether they talked or not was up to them because there was nothing he could do to stop it anyway.

A few minutes later, he can sense the presence of  sleepy figure sneaking up on him. As though it was a routine, he gentle pushed his chair away from the desk as his boyfriend throws his leg over him, gently settling himself on his lap. He kisses him lightly before wrapping his arms around his neck and laying his head on his shoulder.

"Goodmorning baby." Mika whispers in his ear, placing a small kiss on his exposed shoulder thanks to the oversized t-shirt he was wearing. Yuu turned his head and kisses the blonde's neck lightly as a response.

Mika pulls himself back up to the desk and continues with his work as his lover dozes lightly in his lap. He smiles a bit as he types, grateful for the days he gets to work from home. Those are the rare days when he got to see the sleepy, sweet, shy side of his little raven.

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