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The tune fills our quiet home. A light giggle sounds from the living room as I smile softly while putting away some stuff in the kitchen.

I hear light footsteps before a hand grabs my arm.

"Come on Mika! Let's dance." Yuu smiles his bright smile. But something about his voice is off.

It's still light and energetic but it sounds distant. It's like an echo but I can't figure out why.

Putting on a smile, I take his hand as he drags me into the living room with boxes stacked against the wall and a couch with two small blankets and a pillow.

He spins me slowly before wrapping his arms around my neck, his head resting against my chest. I breath in the scent of his hair, finding comfort in this small action. We swayed back and forth, occasionally spinning the other to the music.

I laughed as he stumbled over my feet and fell onto the couch, dragging me down with him. He kissed my nose gently before hugging me tightly.

"I love you." I murmur.

"I love you too. I always will."


"Forever." He nods before kissing my head. Something about the kiss made me tear up. "You're doing amazing babe. Keep going."

I lift myself up to look him in the eyes.


"You're doing amazing. Stay strong for me. Keeping living for me. I'll always be with you." He strokes my hair gently.

"What are you talking about?" I question as tears slip down my cheeks.

"It's been three years Mika. Today's our anniversary." He smiles.

"I know." I nod, still confused.

"No matter how far apart we are, I will never stop loving you. Even if I am no longer able to hold you in my arms, I will never forget you."

"No, stop, what are you talking about. You're right here!" I push myself up to a sitting position. "You're here."

"I'm not, my angel. Not physically at least. I'm in your heart." His beautiful smile falters. "You don't remember?"

"I do." I whisper. "But I don't want to believe it. I can't let you go."

"You don't have to." He begins fading away. "Just don't let me hold you back."

"You won't, just don't leave me alone." I cry, the tears falling heavier and faster than before.

"I love you Mika."

"No." I whisper as he begins disappearing. "No. NO!"

Then he is completely gone.

I do all I can to grasp whatever I can of his faded figure.

"Where are you going? Don't leave me Yuu!" I scream. "YUU!"

My voice breaks as I sob. There's no bring him back. Nothing will bring him back.

I choke as the part still holding onto him pushes against my chest. The song fades away and the scenery changes.

I'm no longer in our living room. I'm sitting on the bed in a hospital.

My tiny frame faces the window as another tear falls from my eye.

I can feel his presence. His ghost. It's like it's afraid I'll hurt myself if he disappears.

I choke back laugh.

That's why I'm here in the first place. I could feel myself slipping away as his ghost tries to hold me together. It won't work. I know it won't. It's tried so many times but nothing helps.

As the heart monitor slows, I can feel myself growing even more tired. I can't lift my arm anymore. I fall onto my back, the ceiling the only thing in my sights. A ghost of a smile graces my lips.

I murmur one last thing before I smile in contentment.

"I'll see you soon, my little raven."


A bright light, soft ground, a gentle breeze, and silence. My eyes open, taking a moment to adjust to the light as I turn in a small circle.

I'm in a meadow. Small colorful flowers are scattered around, the soft green grass tickling my ankles.

I take a small step in a random direction.

Then I hear voices. They're distant at first but gradually grow.

"Guys come on! He's over here." The voice of a young girl says excitedly.

"Yay, we get to see big brother again." A voice younger than the girl's spoke up.

I turn around as the light thump of feet hit the grassy terrain. Six figures appear in the distance.

"Let's go! I heard he was going to arrive today! We must bring him to big brother Yuu." A familiar voice squeals in excitement.

"I see him." Another laughs.

The figures approach and are suddenly wrapping their arms around my waist.

"Mika!" They laugh in unison.

"Welcome home big brother." A girl with a fishtail braid smiles up at me.

"A-Akane?" I stutter in shock.

"Yep." Her bright smile flashes like it used to. Like it always did. Like it always will.

I recognize the rest of the family and kneel down to hug them just as tightly as they're hugging me.

"Come on Mika, Yuu wants to see you." Akane grabs my hand and drags me along as the other kids follow.

"Yuu?" I ask stupidly.

"Yes." She nods just as we come to a building much like the orphanage we used to live in. "He's in his room."

She shoves me towards the front door as her and the orphans run off somewhere.

I enter the building slowly, a sense of nostalgia filling my chest as I look around. Nothing is changed.

The strange colored couch is still set on the far wall with three blankets draped acrossed it. There are a countless amount of pillows on the floor and coloring stuff spread out by the wall.

I ascend the stairs and smile as every stair that creaks continues to do so, telling me that it will always do so. The doors are all open to display the messy beds and bright walls that lit them up even more as the sun shown through the window.

At the end of the hall, I heard footsteps and a book being dropped.

I open the door with a shaky hand.

There he is. Standing by the window, a smile on his lips and a hand in his pocket.

"Yuu." I smile.

He turns to me and smiles back before opening his arms, an invitation for me to fill them.

I do so without hesitation, sighing in relief when he stayed solid, hugging me tightly.

"I missed you." He says.

"I missed you too." I reply.

"I love you. So, so much, my angel." He whispers.

"And I love you, my little raven." I giggle softly as he presses his lips to mine.

He's not a ghost. He's here, not leaving and so very real.

I break into a smaller smile than before. I never had to worry did I? I would've seen him again soon.

But it would've never been soon enough.

Mikayuu OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now