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Who knew that the minority of one simple event could lead to more than just a couple classmates meeting outside of school.

Yuichiro Ichinose, a senior at Nagoya high, son of one of the wealthiest men in the city, is one of many invited to the receptional dinner planned for the wealthiest of families. He mingles and makes light conversation with other guests, but he doesn't expect to meet one of his underclassmen at this event, nor guessed that he is the son of the wealthiest family in the country.

Mikaela Tepes, a junior at Nagoya high, son of the wealthiest family in the city. Your typical role-model student with straight A's, perfect manners, countless hidden talents, and a love for reading. His attendance is required, seeing as he is the son of the hosting family, but he isn't caught mingling with the guests. He is the evening entertainment with a secret he has tried to keep hidden from his friends.

With two weeks to practice and perfect his routine, his mother is approving of his progress and deems him ready for the event.

(Mika's POV)

"My sweet boy, are you ready?" Mother asks.

"Yes mother." I nod with a small smile.

"Alright, finish getting dressed and I'll send someone to get you when it's time." She smiles before leaving the room.

I sigh and sit down on the couch, white jacket in hand.

This was a small event that I wasn't supposed to attend originally. But, mother wanted me to be a part of it in some way so she thought that the best way to do so would be to have me do something for the guests. Her idea? Make me learn a dance routine, complex or not, and perform it for everybody. The routine wasn't difficult, but I was a nervous wreck. At least none of my classmates will be here.

I hate being the center of attention and, under the watch of all those strangers, was going to send me over the edge. If I'm lucky, she'll take my proposition into consideration and shut off all the lights so I can get into position and already be halfway through the first move of the routine.

I took a deep breath before standing, from my place on the chair, pulling on my jacket and buttoning it up as well as tightening the belt around my waist. I was just finishing this when one of the maids stepped into the room and told me that it was time to go.

I nodded and looked at myself in the mirror one last time before making my way to the smaller of the two rooms we used to host parties and other events. Once outside the door, I waited for my signal, which would be two light taps on the door. When it came, I slowly entered the room, silently thanking mother for complying to my wishes. It was dark and, if I remember right, there is a straight shot to the middle of the room where I would be standing.

Then, the music started, murmurs filled the room, and I began to move.

(Yuu's POV)

Once I stepped into the room, I was met with a rumble of voices, music playing in the background, and bright lights. There were six tables on each side of the room, leaving the rest open for mingling and the occasional dancing couple. There were beverages on a table at the far end of the room and a food table next to it.

I spotted the host herself talking to a dual haired male off to the side and a man with long silver hair sneaking around the room and talking to some of the women on their own.

"Yuichiro! Let's go." Guren, my father, snapped me out of my daze. I followed him across the room and towards the woman with pink hair and scarlet colored eyes.

I follow his figure, lazily looking around the room. Everyone is older than me and I only recognize a few people.

We stop a little ways away from the woman and the dual haired man. Upon spotting us, she smiles before dismissing the other guest and approached us.

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