Feared by All

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Sapphire eyes gazed out the window from his mansion, a drink in his left hand, his right in the pocket of his pants. Behind him, an emerald eyed boy with messy black hair finishes pulling on his boots.

He smiles at the back of his husband, his lean silhouette making him stare with a slight smile.

He stands and goes to stand behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist, placing a light kiss on his nape.

"I'm heading to work now." He murmurs.

"Okay, stay safe my love."

"Always. If anything, I'll give you a call."

"I know you will." He turns and presses his lips to the ravenette's.

When they break apart, The shorter of the two heads towards the door.

"I love you my sweet demon." He smiles.

"And I you, my little Raven." He smiles back.

(Yuu's POV)

I leave the house and get in my car. Another day at the office and I was already wishing I didn't have to go. Everyday was the same.

I'm greeted, given the agenda for the day, bombarded by my friends, criticized by my boss, thrown into mission to ambush a group of vampires in the area, and, the worst part of all, suffer through the insults directed at the love of my life. My husband.

I know, he may not be very human, but at least he eats food like humans do unlike the vampires that thrive off of the blood of mortals. He gets so much slander yet he hasn't done anything to anyone since we've gotten together. He promised he would stop hurting others for my sake.

You see, my husband, is a demon. A being much more terrifying than a vampire. Something that can possess, mentally torture, manipulate, and destroy anything and everything. He is the most powerful being in the world.

His true form is, to say the least, terrifying. A black smoke surrounds his body, making him invisible to the distant eye. Only those who have been engulfed in the black substance know what he truly looks like. Black horns sprout from his head, pointed like arrowheads. His eyes a terrifying amber color that look like living flames in his sockets. Black wings, dripping with a liquid as thick as blood yet as black as oil. His teeth like a vampire's yet as sharp as needles. His voice is like a raspy growl, deep and easy to use when frightening anything under him.

That's how I saw him the very first time I ever met him. I was walking past dark, trying to clear my head as my friends blew up my phone. I had heard a crash from the alleyway to my left and decided to investigate. I was just stepping into the shadows when a black smoke surrounded me. I began to panick before I was slammed to the ground, a hand enclosing around my throat, blocking my airway. I gasped as I struggled under the grip of the stranger. His eyes were the first thing I spotted, glowing like a fire. He threatened me, told me in gruesome detail how he was going to kill me. What he was going to do with each of my limbs once they were detached from my body. I managed a few words, telling him I'd do whatever he asked if he allowed me to live. He was shocked to say the least. In the end he told me never to speak of the encounter to anyone and that he would always be watching me. I had nightmares for weeks afterwards and never saw him again. About a year later he showed up at my doorstep, blood dripping from his neck and wrist, eyes dilated from blood loss. I didn't recognize him at first since he was in human form. By the end of the night, I patched him up, him explaining that he was the demon and the only way anyone could ever get the upper hand on him is if he is in human form, caught by surprise, and bound tightly. The vampires got him that night. Since then, we talked more and, eventually, started dating. We dated for two years before getting married. I was 18 at the time. We started dating when I was 20 and got married when I turned 22. I am now 25 and we've been inseparable since.

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