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"Let me get this straight, you want me to recreate these pictures with the Tepes Agency model?" I ask.

"Yep." My lavender haired assistant nods.

"Have you seen these? We've never met each other before and you want us to touch each other like this!"

"Yep, and those are just the ones I chose. I heard that one of Mr. Shindo's assistants chose one that gets a bit personal."

"SHINOA!" I yell.

"What? It's not my fault."

I groan and pinch the bridge of my nose. "Are you people aware that we're models and not a couple posing for a gay magazine?"

"Yeah, but people have wanted a collaboration with you two for years." She replies with a dramatic sigh.

"And it had to be provocative."

"Hey, be lucky you're going to be wearing real clothes and nothing skimpy."

I scoff. "That's the only good thing that'll be coming out of this."

"Oh, quit whining and get out to the car. We are going to be late if we keep this up."

Deciding that it'd be best not to argue, I climb into the car and close the door as Shinoa climbs in the front with the driver.

We arrive at the Tepes industry in no time and recieve an escort to lead us to the room we would be taking pictures in.

Upon entering, the sound of equipment getting set up and directions being yelled fills my ears. It's not much different than the days I get pictures done, it's just annoying.

I stand off to the side as a few workers brush past me with another camera. There are multiple green screens, props, cameras, costume racks, makeup artists, clothes designers, and photographers scattered about.

I look to my left and catch sight of a familiar face.

Sitting in a chair, away from the chaos, is the blonde model himself, Mikaela Shindo. He his dressed in a suit with a white tie, hair a little messy as he runs his hand through it. In all honesty, he didn't look like he wanted to be here either.

He glances over and locks eyes with me for a second before standing and walking towards me.

"Yuichiro?" He asks.

"Sadly yes." I nod.

"Oh so you're against this whole thing to?"


"Glad to know I'mnot the only one. I haven't even seen the pictures we're recreating but based off the way Lacus, my assistant, was acting, I don't want to know."

"Yeah, I don't know if I should say this or not, but Shinoa told me that one of the pictures he chose is a little personal."

"Fantastic." He mumbles sarcastically as a short woman with long pink hair told us it was time to start.

"Alright, I think we should start simple. Before we do costumes, let's get a picture with them in their current outfits." She says.

Mikaela bumps my arm with his and leads me to the green screen. I stand next to him as one of the many helpers in the room began messing with my hair and straightening out my clothes.

"Alright, Yuichiro, take off your jacket. Mikaela, unbutton yours. Then I want you to put your right hand on the knot of his tie like you're going to tighten it and your left hand is going to go about halfway down and hold the edge of it. Yuichiro, just stand there." She directs before a photographer comes up and positions our bodies and heads.

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