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"Why are you always asking me these questions?" I complain, refusing to answer again and down the shot of whatever Shinoa put into the shot glass next. I cringe and begin coughing at the taste and feeling of it going down my throat. "Is that soy sauce!?"

"Yep." She smirked evilly as Yoichi handed me a bottle of water to wash out the taste.

"Alright, your turn Yuu." Shinoa states proudly.

"Um, Yoichi, truth or dare?" I ask the brunette.


"Is it true that you and Kimizuki are together now?"

"No." He responds calmly. "We hang out a lot, but we aren't together because someone is afraid of moving past the friend stage." He shoots a soft glare at the pink haired male he turns red and crosses his arms defiantly.

"It's not my fault I'm not ready for that kind of relationship."

"Says the one who's had at least three girlfriends in high school." Mitsuba pitches in evilly.

"How many times do I have to tell you, those girls were just flings. I wasn't serious about any of them." Kimizuki continues arguing.

"You've had girlfriends before but you won't date me?" Yoichi asks, his eyes going big with sadness.

"I... no... Yoichi it's not that it's just... well..." Kimizuki tries and fails to speak.

Then Yoichi bursts out laughing. "I'm just kidding Kimi, you don't have to get so soft."

The rest of us start laughing with him as Kimizuki starts turning bright red in embarrassment. Eventually, we calmed down enough to continue the game.

In the middle of a round where Yoichi was asking me a question, my phone went off.

I reach back to grab the device from my jacket pocket while thinking of a way to answer his question.

"I think it's been two years. I'm not sure but I know Shinya was adamant on getting together with him so, eventually, he made me a part of his plan and, one thing led to another, they got together and are living in Shinya's home." I shrug while looking at my notifications to find a text from Mika.

"So, if they get married, will that make you and Shinoa step siblings?" Yoichi asked, making my eyes widen in shock at the realization.

"Please don't say that! If Shinya gets his way then they will be married and I don't want to be related to Shinoa. Don't get me wrong Shinoa, you're a good friend, but torture throughout the day is enough. I don't need it every waking hour of the day." I complain while opening my messages.

I did it again

I hold back a sigh. "Hey guys, I have to go." I stand up and grab my jacket. After being certain that my keys are in the pocket, I head towards the door.

"Where are you going? It's still early." Shinoa complains.

I make eye contact with Yoichi and mouth "Mika". He nods in understanding before grabbing their attention so I could leave with no further delay.

I unlock and get into my car before pulling on my seatbelt and heading towards the house. I get out of the car and go into the house, leaving my keys on the table before walking back to the bedroom.

Like every other time, I found Mika, he was sitting on the bed, criss-crossed legs and his hands in his lap, his head down to avoid eye contact with me.

"Mika." I say, sitting in front of him, one leg bent while the other hangs off the bed.

He doesn't respond.

"Like I've said before, it's nothing to be ashamed of because you are trying to get better." He nods. "What was the trigger this time?" I reach out and take his hand in mine.

"Nothing." He whispers.

"Nothing?" I question.

He nods. "I just did it. I was eating earlier and it was fine but then it started to feel weird and I felt like I was doing something wrong. I tried to convince myself that it was fine but the urge was too strong and it happened."

I nod and lift his chin so he would look at me. "It's alright."

"I know." He mumbles, looking down so he wouldn't look at me. "I just want you to believe that I'm getting better instead of worrying that I'm still hurting myself."

"I do believe that you're getting better." I scoot closer to him. "Look at me, I love you and I don't want you to think I don't believe what you're saying."

He sighs, meeting my green eyes with his blue ones.

"Repeat after me." I say, removing my hand from his face and replacing it with his hands. "I'm getting better and my boyfriend believes in me."

He forces back a smile and groans. "Yuu, don't make me do that."

"I'm getting better and my boyfriend believes in me." I repeat, fighting back a laugh. "I'm not going to stop until you say it."

He groans before laughing. "Alright! I'm getting better and my boyfriend believes in me."

"You don't sound so confident in your answer." I tease, making him stare at me in shock.


"I'm kidding." I smile and rub noses with him. "I love you."

"I love you too."

I smile and tickle his sides before pulling him down on the bed next to me.

"I love you."

He laughs at my childish repetition.

"I love you too."

This goes on until he covers my mouth with his hand. We laugh at our antics until we can't breathe. I pull him close and kiss his head, showing him that I love him in ways more than  just speaking.

My love. My angel. My everything.

I will say it as many times as needed.

I love him.

I love you, Mika.

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