Memories (part 2)

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(Mika's POV)
(Two months later)

As I stared up at the ceiling, my journal lay on my stomach, open to my newest drawing. My little raven is the centerpiece, crimson roses surrounding his beautiful figure, his bright green eyes shining like the moon on a starless night. I am the shadow. The uglier part of the masterpiece. The part nobody wants to look at or touch. The thorns. A black and white symbol. My dull blue eyes are staring longingly at the rose, desperately wishing to be the one he was seeing. I was a background figure in his life. A person with no importance.

I close my eyes as tears threaten to spill for, what seemed like, the millionth time that day, even if it was only 9:30 in the morning. I couldn't take the throb in my heart. The emptiness left by the ravenette. Emerald green eyes haunting me day and night. There was no break. I couldn't sleep for fear of seeing him with someone else or envisioning my own version of the accident, one that was worse than this. One that took him away from me forever. Where I wouldn't be able to see him again.

I rolled over, my journal falling onto the bed, closing up on itself as though it was trying to preserve my feelings and spare the pain of seeing the picture again.

The sound of someone knocking on the door made me flinch as it broke through the previous silence of the home. Begrudgingly I climbed off the bed and walked through the house and peeked out the living room window, glimpsing a strand of black hair.

I opened the door and allowed the awaiting male to enter.

"Morning." He greets as he walks by me and turns to face me as I close the door.

"Hey Rene." I reply quietly.

"Have you eaten this morning?"

"Not yet."

"Net yet as in you were about to, or not yet as in you were going to forget about it until this evening and scarf down a granola bar?" I avert my gaze and he sighs. "Mika, you have to take care of yourself. If Yuu found out you were doing this to yourself, what would he think?"

"I don't know." I shrug. "He doesn't even remember me so why would it matter?" I retort.

"Because he's confused." Rene snaps. "For the past two months he has hardly left his room because he keeps seeing a blurry figure in his memories. He can see very few memories clearly where the figure is present but it makes it worse. He also claims that a boy was in his hospital room soon after he woke up that was present in a picture by his bedside table. If that isn't enough, he is constantly being haunted by a pair of bright blue eyes." He takes a deep breath as I take in the information. "He wants to see you again. He wants to figure things out on his own but he can't. Lacus and I have tried helping him but he refuses to listen."

"He's always been stubborn." I murmur with a half-hearted smile.

"At some point he wants to meet you again." He adds.

I look at the male in shock.

"He wants to meet you personally and try to sort this out. They found his phone in the wreck and managed to transfer all his his information onto a new one. He still has the same number, but he was going through his photos and so many of them are of you. He went through his contacts and found someone labeled as 'Angel' with your picture. Mika, he wants to remember. He knows he's missing more than we are letting on and he knows that someone is hurting because he forgot who the blonde is. All he knows is that you two must have been really important to each other and it hurts him to know that he is unintentionally hurting someone else."

He's hurting because of me? I'm causing him pain?

"When he's ready he wants to see you again. I don't know when that'll be but I do know that he won't be happy with the way you're treating yourself." He is interrupted when his phone goes off. He looks down at the notification and sighs. "Well, I better be getting back. Lacus wanted me to pick something up from the store."

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