I Didn't Want To

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This will have mention of r@pe but not too much. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

Our laughter died down as Guren left the room in a storm of heavy footsteps and foul words.

"Oh come on babe, I'm only joking!" Shinya yelled after him.

"No you aren't Shinya!" Guren yelled from the other room, causing us to start laughing even harder.

Shinya shrugged and laughed with us. "He'll get over it."

We messed around and talked for a few more hours until Guren finally kicked us out saying that it is getting late and he needed sleep. After 10 minutes of trying to get a stubborn Shinoa out of the house, we are walking down the sidewalk toward our homes. We got to Mitsuba and Shinoa's place first. They lived two blocks away from Shinya and Guren. We get in Yoichi's car and he drives me home, which is halfway across town. Once I am dropped off, they head towards their shared home.

I head inside and get a glass of water. The house is dark and quiet. There is a short note on the table with all too familiar handwriting on it. Picking it up, I read it with a smile on my face.

I'm going to Lacus and Rene's place for a while. See you when I get home.
Love you

I set it back down and head to the bedroom. I get ready to change for bed when the clock catches my eye. The time read 11:32.

Mika never stays out past 10, if he does then it's because of traffic. I picked up my phone and looked through my text messages with Mika. The last message sent was at 8:46. I grew concerned.

I hit the call button on Mika's contact and put the device up to my ear.

It went to voicemail.

I called again.

Same result.

I sent a couple texts, asking if he was staying at Lacus's for the night and if he was okay. 10 minutes pass.

No answer.

I call again, taking a deep breath to keep myself from panicking.


Getting concerned, I call Lacus.

"Hey!" He answers enthusiastically.

"Hi Lacus, I was just wondering if Mika was still there." I reply.

"Nope, he left about 2 hours ago. Is something the matter?"

"Not really, he just hasn't come home yet."

"Really?" The line went silent for a moment. "Wait, is it possible that he went to pick you up from your friend's house?"

"Maybe." I sighed. "Well, thanks anyway. Sorry to bother you."

"Oh don't worry about it. Call me if anything happens. Bye!" He exclaims before hanging up the phone.

I sigh and set my phone on the bed. I walk over to the window and look out. Mika's car is still gone. I turn back to the bed at the sound of my phone buzzing.

It's Mika.

Relieved, I grab the phone and answer it without hesitation.

"Mika! Did you turn your phone off again?" I joke, chuckling lightly. My smile was wiped off my face as soon as he speaks.

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