How Dare He

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"Shinya!" I call the male's name, gaining his attention. He waves before ending his conversation with one of the army members and greets with a smile.

"Hey Mikaela!"

"When did you all get back?" I ask.

"About three days ago." He replies. "You haven't seen Yuichiro yet?"

"No, I've been out of town with a few other vampires for the past week." I respond, becoming slightly concerned upon seeing his change in expression. "Why? What happened?"

"Well, he started acting a bit strange soon after we got there."

"What do you mean strange?"

"I don't know how to explain it. For the first two weeks, he was his normal happy self, but within the third week, he started becoming really jumpy and flinched anytime someone would make any sudden movements." He explains. I mull over this information, a conclusion coming to mind that I wish wasn't there. "I have an idea of what happened, but he wouldn't say anything. No matter how many times I've tried getting him alone to ask, he would just fake a smile and say he was fine."

"You don't think someone was abusing him do you?" I ask, my shoulders tensing as my hands balled into fists.

He sighs before looking around at the others in the area. He subtly motions for me to follow him and I do so, allowing him to lead me around the corner and into the shade that would conceal us for a short time.

"About halfway through our second week, my brother, Kureto, showed up. I had spotted him while cleaning some stuff up and managed to search him out later. No one knew he was there and, as far as I know, no one knew he was coming. He cancelled on us at the last second and demanded that we go without him."

"What does this have to do with Yuu?" I snap, apologizing quietly afterwards at the sudden outburst.

"It's fine." He glances behind me before looking me in the eye again. "Apparently, Yuichiro saw Kureto and I talking that night. Kureto never told me why he was there but Yuichiro said that Kureto saw him from a distance. Knowing him, he was probably doing someone else's patrol because he wants to be the first one to know if something happens. He wants to be in the middle of the action. I think Kureto used his insight to get a hold of him when no one was paying attention."

"But he is always with those friends of his! They should've noticed him disappearing at random times during the day." I snap, trying hard to control the anger burning in my chest.

"But that's the thing, he never disappeared during the day, and he always had night patrol. He would patrol for 4 hours, from 1-5 in the morning. He would go back and get another hour of sleep before we started work for the day. That is the only time when he is alone. Guren, Yuichiro, and I would take turns patrolling the furthest post throughout the night."

If he continued talking after that, I didn't hear it. I hurriedly said thanks before racing through the crowd of Army men and bolted towards the Imperial Demon Army Headquarters, the burning in my chest turning into a raging flame just waiting to be released. I stormed into the building without a word and ignored anyone who tried to call for me. I took the elevator up to the floor I assumed would be housing the demon of a human and waited impatiently as the elevator rose agonizingly slow.

When it dinged, the doors hardly had the chance to open halfway before I slipped out and scanned the name plaques on every single door. At the end of the hall, I found some that were more familiar.

Guren Ichinose

Shinya Hiragi

Seishiro Hiragi

Mikayuu OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now