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Slight Lorelai bashing in this chapter, this is the start of Lorelai being overbearing and I just want Rory to react like most young adults would under those circumstances.

Rory was walking up to her dorm room on Saturday afternoon after relaxing under a tree in the quad, with a coffee in one hand and her current novel in the other, she was just thinking it was the perfect way to spend the afternoon. As she reached the door she could hear the phone ring on the other side, she tried juggling everything to try and get it quickly, when after almost spilling her coffee over her book she decided to just let the machine get it. Opening the door she thinks she can hear Logan's voice in the distance. Setting her things on the counter, she walks over and presses the button on the flashing machine:

"You have two messages."

Two, I wonder if they are both for me. Rory thought just as she heard Lorelai's voice.

"Hey kid! How was the date? Are you coming home this weekend, we are in need of a movie night to talk about men! Call me when you get this!"

Seriously Mom! Give me a chance to call you myself. Knowing my luck the other message is Grandma.

"Hey Ace! Just checking in, I wondered if you wanted to hit up a movie or the bar tonight. I'd like to spend some time with you and apologize for how I behaved last night in person. Anyway give me a call and let me know. See ya soon Ace."

Interesting. Rory thought to herself as she grabbed the phone and dialed her mother's number.

"Gilmore House of Fun, Lorelai speaking."

"Hey Mom," Rory speaks, plopping herself down on the couch with the last of her coffee in her hand.

"Hey Kid, where were you?"

"I was just out getting coffee."

"Okay seeing as it involved coffee I will let it slide that you weren't home," Gee thanks Rory thought rolling her eyes as her mother continued. "So are you coming to Stars Hollow this weekend?"

"I wasn't planning on it, I have some essays due early in the week and Paris is gone so I wanted to enjoy the peace and quiet."

"You sure kid? We could watch Pippi?"

"I'm sure Mom, plus I'm sure you are busy with Luke, you had your first date, attempt number 2 last night didn't you?"

"Oh Rory, it was great, we..." Good, that has distracted her, sometimes she can just be a little overbearing.

"Oh Mom, I've got to go, my call waiting is beeping. I'll call you back later or tomorrow, okay?"

"But Rory, I was -"

"Bye Mom!"

Wonder how long that will buy me, Rory thought to herself. Now do I want to call Logan back? Sure we had been having fun and I did really like him, but it's a bit hypocritical of him to be all up in arms at me having a date, especially when he was at the same party with a different date. Does he just want what he can't have or does he actually want me? The spoilt playboy side of him that I had been ignoring is pretty unattractive when it comes out to play. Rory took a sip of her coffee and looked around her, taking in the dorm room, all her books and dvds. She couldn't see Logan ever just being happy in this environment.

Robert last night had surprised her though. Even with the limits of their conversation in the party environment, he showed that there was more to him than she had originally thought, and he seemed to have an awesome sense of humor, along with picking up her pop culture references. Well I will just have to see if he calls like he said he would. I don't have his number to call him. Maybe I should call Logan back, I don't want to see him tonight but I haven't decided that I don't ever want to see him again. I'll go have a shower and think about it, then call him back.

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