thirty eight

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"Thank you for doing this for me," Rory said, looking at her boyfriend as they sat in the departure lounge near their gate.

"Doing what?" Robert asked, looking confused as he took a sip of his iced coffee.

"Leaving a day later than everyone else, flying down with just me, when you could have gone yesterday with the full group."

"It was no problem, I wanted to go to the wedding too. I like Lane and Zach, and I wasn't letting the hot maid of honor go unaccompanied. Mrs Kim would have had a fit at the idea of two single Gilmore's!" he said with a laugh, pressing a kiss against her temple, as Rory joined in, knowing that he was correct.

"I still appreciate it, and wanted you to know," she said, turning her head and brushing a kiss across his lips.

Robert watched her take a drink of her hot coffee, she still couldn't manage an iced one early in the morning. "How do you think your Mom is?" He watched Rory take a deep breath, while she thought of a response.

"I really don't know. I know her head will hurt this morning. But I'm honestly not sure how okay her and Luke are anymore. He is pushing her away, and she is so scared of losing him she won't tell him how she feels, and I think it might just explode out of her at the worst possible time."

Robert wrapped his arm around her shoulder, keeping her in his embrace. "I hope it all works out, I know you see Luke as a second father. I don't think you will lose him if it doesn't work out, and before you say it, you're not selfish to be worrying about that. I know you, and I know that Luke has been more of a Dad to you than Chris has. You are allowed to be upset."

"Thank you," Rory whispered against his shoulder, as they sat there somberly, waiting on their flight being called.

"Look who finally showed up!" Logan shouted across the bar of the private hotel the group were staying at. When they first started investigating locations to stay at, they quickly realized with the reduced prices in Costa Rica, it would be easy for them to just rent every room in a hotel, blocking it entirely for their group, meaning that they didn't have to worry about noise or offending other guests, but still got the luxuries like room service.

"Hey!" was shouted by the large group as they turned their heads and saw the couple.

"Hey guys, someone want to show us our room? We will change and then come join you all?" Robert said with a grin, looking at how tipsy the group were for 3pm.

"Sure, I will," says Steph, looking like she is definitely one of the more sober people. "So you guys are on the top floor, no balcony, but I think you still have a good view," she says as they reach their door. "We will see you in a bit, there are no plans for this evening so don't feel like you need to rush down. Take some time after your flight."

"Thanks Steph, I need a shower at least before I join you all, yesterday was a long day, and then a nearly six hour flight. I just need to freshen up." Rory said.

"Yep, I'm with her. We will be down in a bit. Thanks Steph," Robert added.

"No problem!" she said as she walked away, to rejoin the others.

"Oh wow, she was right, that's quite the view." Rory exclaimed looking out the windows, over the treetops of the forest. "I need that shower, wash the airplane smell off me. Shower together?"

"Sure," Robert said with a smirk. Stripping as he follows her across the room, into the shower. She turns on the water, and kisses him while they wait on the water reaching a decent temperature. Robert holds her back, his hands drifting from her hips to her lower back to her ass, cupping the smooth, white skin. Rory bends over to test the water, giving him a clear view of her heart shaped ass.

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