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A/N - Some people seem to think Rory is being unnecessarily antagonist towards Lorelai here. You have to remember this is starting to go to AU from the Pulp Fiction party, where Lorelai had given her attitude about casual dating and it was the start of their animosity, with Lorelai judging her choices in relation to Logan and dating and partying. And remember this will not follow canon. I have already diverged.

Rory pulled into the driveway at the Gilmore house. She took a deep breath as she looked around, trying to relax at the sight of the fountain. She knew if she went in with any kind of weakness in her mind, Emily Gilmore would pounce and she would end up on a blind date with someone. Her mother's jeep wasn't there yet, but she wasn't going to wait for her, she was pretty sure she saw a curtain twitch as she walked towards the door. Rory brushed off her navy wrap dress and as she rang the bell started to remove her denim jacket, ready to hand it to the maid when she opened the door.

"Rory!" Her grandmother exclaimed as she answered the door, reaching for Rory's jacket. "Honestly, I don't know what I pay the help for because I end up doing everything myself."

The maid appeared just as Emily finished the sentence and paled as she saw that Emily had already answered the door and taken Rory's coat to hang.

"Oh there you are Gretchen, you can hang up Rory's jacket now that I have taken it already for you. My daughter should be here soon, how about we see if you can actually answer the door this time."

"Yes Mrs Gilmore," Gretchen replied meekly. Rory tried to shoot the girl a reassuring smile, however she knew it was too late, it would be a different maid that attended to her next week, Rory thought as she walked into the parlor.


"Grandpa!" Rory exclaimed, hugged her grandfather in greeting.

"Would you like a drink?" Rochard asked, moving towards the drinks cart.

"Just a club soda tonight, thanks Grandpa."

"How have you been?" Emily asked, from her perch on the loveseat.

"I've been good, busy, I've had lots of articles and assignments due recently," Rory replied, accepting the drink from her grandfather.

"Well I do hope you aren't working yourself too hard, you need to make sure you are leaving yourself some time to kick up your heels and have a little fun, I was young once I remember what it's like," Emily said almost grinning at Rory.

"Don't worry Grandma, I have time to see my friends and still have fun."

As Rory was finishing her sentence, Lorelai walked into the room, obviously having been let into the house by the maid.

"Hi Mom, Dad. Hey Kid," Lorelai greeted them all as she walked over to sit beside Rory on the loveseat.

"Drink Lorelai?" Richard asked, standing to walk towards the drink cart, knowing she would say yes.

"Yes please, thank you. A martini. So what did I miss?" Lorelai asked, looking at the group trying to gauge how much conversation she had missed in the five minutes she had been late.

"Oh not much, Rory was just telling us how she has been very busy recently with assignments and the paper." Emily answered on the trio's behalf.

"So she mentioned on the phone yesterday, she hasn't even had time to come home recently." Lorelai said, with a look at Rory, making Emily raise her eyebrows at the sight of it.

"I'm coming home tonight after supper, remember?" Rory responded, trying to keep the exasperation out of her voce.

"Yes, and I can't wait." Lorelai said, almost bouncing in her seat with excitement, it was enough to make Rory want to roll her eyes.

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