twenty four

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Rory pulled into the driveway of the Gilmore Manor with a sigh, she really wasn't in the mood to be here tonight. Which normally meant that her Grandmother would zero in on that and ambush her with extra questions. Rory hoped that wouldn't happen tonight, but you never could tell what you were going to get with Emily Gilmore. Rory climbed out of the prius, looking over at her mother's jeep she saw that she was still in the car, probably waiting on her. Rory knocked on the window, and laughed when she saw Lorelai jump.


"Hey Kiddo! What took you so long? I was waiting for you."

"Mom, it's 7:02, I'm not even late by Grandma's standards yet. But I would like to avoid that, so come on," Rory said, walking away towards the door. She could hear her mother's huffs, and sighs behind her before she appeared beside her at the door. Emily appeared as soon as they rang the bell, leaving Rory wondering where the maid was.

"I'm not sure what I am even paying this one for, she will be gone tomorrow. Evening girls, you are cutting it fine." Emily said, opening the door and setting aside for them to come in and put their jackets in the closet. "Go on in girls, Richard is waiting in the parlor for you."

"Lorelai, Rory!" Richard exclaimed, standing to greet the pair with a kiss on the cheek and a swift hug. "Drinks?"

"Martini please Dad."

"Just a soda water for me, thanks."

"So Rory, how has your week been?" Emily asked as she entered the room.

"Good, busy, the usual." Rory said, as she accepted her drink from her grandfather, sitting back on the loveseat beside her mother.

"And your young man? Robert? How is he?" Emily pressed.

"He is good, busy as well, that time of year you know how it is." Rory said, hoping that would be enough to push her grandmother off.

"Do you think he would be able to spare some time to join us all for supper next Friday?"


"I can ask him Grandma, if he is free, I'm sure he would love to join us." Rory answered resignedly.

"Great! Now Lorelai, how has your week gone?" Richard asked.

"Are you really going to drag Robert here?" Lorelai asked, as the twosome made their way to their respective cars, having bade the elder Gilmore's goodbye.

"I will ask him and see what he says." Rory said, shrugging her shoulders.

"You know he will say yes to make you happy."

"He can handle them, he is used to this life."

"So you are forgiving him?" Lorelai asked, raising her eyebrow to accompany the question.

"Well really he didn't do anything wrong, just answered a question rashly, and he regrets it."

"You realize that now, eh?"

"I think I always did, I think it was more how he reacted to any accusation that I needed to see."

"I think you are right, it seems like you have picked a good one this time, kiddo." Lorelai said, pulling Rory into her embrace.

"Thanks Mom, I'll talk to you soon. See you." Rory shouted over her shoulder as she climbed into the prius. She reached into her bag and pulled out her cell. After thinking for a second she opened her texts and started to type.

Hey, I'm just leaving Hartford. I'll be back in 30 mins, are you around tonight or are you out with the boys? Xo

Hoping Robert had answered by the time she was back in New Haven, Rory drove off.

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