thirty two

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Across the room the Huntzberger's were standing with the McCrea's and the Goldman's looking around the room filled with society's so-called elite families.

"Have you seen that the Hayden's are here?" Mitchum asked the assembled group.

"Yes, I thought that they didn't socialize with each other?" Shira added, looking between their group and where the Hayden's were standing beside the elder Gilmore's and Rory.

"They don't," Andrew McCrea answered, as the trophy wife on his arm nodded in agreement.

"Who knows, perhaps there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for it all," Marissa Goldman stated, making sure that she sounded vague, there was no need for everyone to know that she and Malcolm knew what was coming up.

"So Marissa, I see Robert is still seeing the Gilmore girl, they have been together quite a while now haven't they?" Shira asked, thinking she might as well try and sniff out some gossip from somewhere.

"Yes, it's been seven or eight months I think. She is a lovely girl, they seem quite well suited, from what we have seen anyway." Marissa said, seeking out her son with her eyes, finding him standing with the group of Yale boys. This would at least mean they would get to hear the adult and the youngsters reactions to the news.

"And you are sure you don't mind him getting serious with someone like her? Or is it still just for fun?" Shira asked, unable to help herself.

"Someone like her? In what way? They are quite serious as far as I know, they spent quite a bit of the summer together, and still managed to see each other alot between their internships." Marissa knew what Shira was implying, but if she wanted to be so crude as to actually insult their hosts, she wasn't going to help her. Plus it would add to their reaction once the heiress details were announced.

"You know, her parentage, and growing up in that small strange town."

"I think perhaps all of our kids may have benefited from having a childhood away from society, and she graduated as valedictorian from Chilton, I think we can all agree that Chilton isn't exactly a podunk little school." Marissa started to defend her son's girlfriend who she had grown rather fond of, only for Malcolm to squeeze her hand to remind her to keep quiet.

Colin had been using his position within the boys group to stealthily listen to their parents' conversation as it continued behind them.

"Robert it sounds like your parents and Huntz's are about to get into it over your little girlfriend." Colin said, moving away slightly.

"Huh? Colin, are you listening to our parents again? I thought you stopped that in like the tenth grade." Robert replied, sounding exasperated.

"Of course I am, sometimes you hear interesting things. Like Chilton?"

"What about it? Rory went there, she was valedictorian," Robert responded tonelessly, like the conversation was boring him.

"She did?" Logan asked, shocked into speaking, whereas he had just been enjoying trying to spot any single women circulating the party.

"Ha! Logan, you sound like your Mom, she was just as shocked. She was trying to disparage Rory, when Robert's Mom began defending her. You're in trouble now, when your Mom and your girlfriend are friends they start the marriage comments," Colin said with a smirk, enjoying what he thought was Robert's discomfort.

"What is there to disparage about the lovely Rory anyway?" Finn asked, genuinely confused. "She's a little kitten, she couldn't hurt anyone."

"Her lack of breeding for one, would be where my mother would start," Logan replied.

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