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The next day, Robert was walking towards his econ lecture, he had to cut across the parking lots to get there, well he didn't have to but it was the quickest way there and he was running late. As he was walking, he heard a motorcycle in the distance which made him think of the conversation the night before with Logan. With this in mind he paid attention to the bike, wondering if it was the same guy. As it got closer he saw that there was a passenger on the back.

While he was watching the bike stopped and the passenger got off with the rider following. Robert watched in shock as the passenger's helmet came off to reveal Rory. The rider also took his helmet off but from where Robert was standing he could only see that it was a brunette guy. He continued walking so he was a bit closer. As he reached hearing distance Rory leaned over and hugged the driver. Robert heard her speak "thanks for last night and the ride back this morning. Hopefully you will be in town for longer next time. Love you, have to get going or I'll be late." With that and a kiss on the cheek she ran off. Leaving Robert to contemplate what he had just seen. He couldn't object to Rory seeing another guy, but they had promised not to sleep with anyone while they were dating. If she had slept with motorcycle guy that would go against that rule. Robert was going to have to think about this. Ah crap now I really will be late he thought as he checked the time and saw his lecture should be starting in a few minutes.

"Hey Logan, it's me." Robert started as soon as Logan answered the phone.

"Hey man, what can I do for you?"

"Are you busy?"

"Just getting ready to go get Rory in about half an hour, why?"

"Well I know this is a little unorthodox with our dating situation, but I'm going to help you out, or share information with you."

"What? Why?" Logan asked, confused as to why Robert would be helping him.

"Just, cause if what I saw is right, Rory is going against her own self posed rules"

"Okay, so what do you know man?"

"I saw her this morning getting dropped off by motorcycle dude. She gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek, before saying thanks for last night and the ride home, then said she hoped he would be in town again soon, before saying bye love you."

"Really?" Logan asked after a ten second delay.


"And did you get a good look at him? Who is he?"

"I only saw the back of his head, he's a brunette. I didn't recognize what I could see."

"Well shit, I wonder who it is and what she's doing with him?"

"Me too dude, me too. That's why I thought I'd give you a heads up."

"Thanks man, if I find anything out I'll let you know." Logan replied as he ended the call.

Seven pm, found Logan standing outside Rory's dorm room door, having just knocked. He could hear Paris shouting at Rory through the door, it made him smirk as he adjusted his shirt under his leather jacket, he had a pair of khakis on as well, his attempt at being casual, well as casual as he ever gets.

"Hey!" Rory exclaimed as she opened the door. "I hope you weren't waiting long?" she said as she pulled the door closed behind her.

"Nope, just a few minutes, I could hear Paris, so I knew you were coming." Logan said with a smirk. He looked her up and down, taking in her tight skinny jeans, with heeled boots, she had a light green sweater on top and a jacket in her hand. "You look good, already to go?"

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