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The following Saturday evening rolled around and Robert found himself with his dorm to himself. He may have convinced his roommate to leave for the weekend by promising to reciprocate at some point. He looked around his dorm and checked it was clean. Rory would be arriving soon for a movie night. He had seen her several times that week and was enjoying how the relationship was progressing.

Robert looked again at his setup before he had a thought and quickly began to rearrange the living room. He moved the couch back further from the screen, then went looking to find as many pillows and blankets as he could find, as he was looking he heard a knock at the door. He quickly walked to the door to let Rory in.

"Hey!" he greeted her, pulling her into his arms for a kiss.

"Hey, I'm not too early, am I?" Rory asked, looking around the dorm.

"No, no, you're right on time." Robert said, pulling her into the room, so he could close the door. "I actually was just getting some things together, I thought we could maybe build a blanket fort to watch the movies in, if you are okay with that plan," he stated nervously, watching her for her reaction, as she pulled her jacket off leaving her in tight jeans and a silky camisole, that made him groan internally.

"Okay? That sounds awesome. I'd love to build a fort with you." Rory answered with a grin. "So where do we start?" she asked, walking further into the room after taking off her shoes.

"I just finished gathering blankets and sheets. I was just debating whether we should try and flip the couch around so we can use the back of it as a wall?" Robert asked, scratching his head, as he looked at his furniture, trying to figure out the best way to configure it.

"Let's do it, move the couch for the back, some chairs for the sides. Do you have any string or rope?" Rory asked, looking around the space, to see what she could utilize.

"I think so, I'll look once we move the couch and chairs, are you ready to lift?" Robert asked as he bent over to grab one end of the couch, lighter now he had removed all the cushions.

Rory didn't answer, she just bent over to lift at the same time as him. They swiftly finished moving the couch, setting it down with a groan. As Rory turned the chairs around, making their backs the perfect sides, Robert walked back into the room with a ball of twine.

"I found this, I think it's left over from a Life and Death Brigade event," he tossed it over to Rory.

"It's perfect," she said, walking over to the bookcase. She soon found a heavy statue of a stormtrooper, looking at Robert for an explanation he quickly dismissed it as his roommates. Rory tied the twine around the base of the statue and walked across the room where she found a wall sconce to tie the other end to.

"Can I have the biggest sheet and some clips?" Rory asked.

"Sure," Robert said, walking towards her with the king size sheet and some bulldog clips he had found in his desk.

Soon they found themselves rearranging pillows and cushions inside a perfect fort, making it comfortable enough for them to sit in and relax. They even had a blanket left over, which Robert had earmarked to cover the pair once the movie started.

"There, the only thing missing would be some fairy lights," Rory said, as she stood to survey their work.

"Well, I'm not sure if I'd agree about fairy lights, but the fort is good. Goodwork Gilmore," Robert said, pulling her into his side for a quick kiss.

"What movie did you say we were watching again?" Rory asked.

"I was thinking about the Princess Bride, if that's okay with you?"

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