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"Hey," Rory greeted Robert as she opened her dorm room door.

"Hey you," he answered, leaning down to give her a quite chaste kiss.

"I just need to grab my jacket, are you ready to leave?" Rory asked Robert over her shoulder as she went to go grab her jacket.

"Yes I am, are you going to tell me what we are doing this evening?" he asked, as he watched her hips swaying as she walked away.

"You will see when we get there, come on let's go," she stated as she reached him and led him out of her dorm room.

"How are we getting there?" Robert asked as he walked alongside Rory, claiming her hand with his own. Rory smiled brightly at him as their hands gently intertwined.

"I'm driving."

"Okay, so this could be an adventure then, huh?" Robert joked, pretending to be scared by her driving.

"Hey, stop that! I'm a good driver!" Rory exclaimed, smacking Robert in the chest with their still joined hands.

"I'm sure you are," he said laughing.

"Come on, get in, this is my car, unless you are too big of a chicken," she said, as they reached the prius and she unlocked it.

"I'm just kidding, I'm sure you are an awesome driver," Robert acquiesced, as leaned across the center console to give her a kiss on the cheek, before buckling up.

"I am!" Rory exclaimed, as she put the car in reverse to back out of the space. "No touching the radio," she said, as she saw Robert's hand touch the buttons.

"I was just going to turn it on to see what you were listening to last."

"Okay, that you can do," Rory conceded, as she pressed the power button and the sounds of the Clash took over the car.

"The Clash?" Robert queried, a confused look on his face.

"Yes? What did you think was going to come on? Britney?"

"I'm not sure what I expected but it wasn't punk rock."

"Should I be offended? My best friend is the drummer in a rock band, she had a firm hand in my musical education. Don't worry I don't just listen to rock, it's usually a pretty eclectic mix, just no extremely cheesy pop music."

"Interested, always something new to learn about you," Robert said softly as they continued to drive around. "So where are we going?"

"We are going somewhere you may hate, but just for an hour or two and then I thought we could hit Rich Man's Shoe for a few drinks." Rory answered, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye, as she concentrated on driving them towards their destination.

"Sure, you are in charge tonight," he agreed with a smile.

"Hopefully you won't regret that sentence," Rory said with a laugh.

"We're here," Rory stated a few minutes later, as she put the prius in park.

Robert looked out the window, looking around to see where they were parked for clues. He could see that they were parked outside an entertainment complex, with signs for laser quest, bowling and a roller rink.

"Bowling?" he queried, knowing two people wasn't enough for laser quest, and that Rory wasn't coordinated enough for roller skating.

"Yes," Rory said uncertainly, biting her lip. "Is that okay? I did think of laser quest, but I think Finn would kill us if we went there without him, plus it's more fun in a big group."

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