twenty two

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Rory was running late but she needed a caffeine injection before her next lecture or she would never manage to state awake. She was rushing across campus well aware of where the closest coffee cart to the lecture hall was. Checking the time, she was glad to see she had five minutes before the lecture started, which would hopefully be just enough time for her to grab a cup of liquid gold to tide her over. As she rounded the corner she thought she heard Robert's voice, once she was round the corner she saw she was correct, there standing beside the coffee cart were Logan and Robert. They couldn't see her from her position but she could see and hear them, it looked like a relatively heated discussion. Rory was torn about whether she should move and make them aware of her presence or continue to hide, spying seemed wrong, but just as she was about to reveal herself she heard mention of her name.

"You haven't been around much lately, still trying to get into Ace's panties? It must kill you to know that I've already had your girlfriend, while you might as well be in the friendzone for how much action you are seeing." Logan said with a sneer.

"Don't talk about Rory that way," Robert replied, Rory could see him clenching his fists.

"Why not? Angry because it's true?"

"I haven't been around because I have been busy, I've even gone to meet Rory's Mom and her friends at the weekend. You know, being a good boyfriend, that thing you are scared to even attempt.'

"Whatever, we all know you will drop her the second she spreads her legs for you."

Rory was getting angry now, and she was disgusted in herself for having ever liked Logan, to hear him talking about her like that made her feel sick. All thoughts of making it to her afternoon lecture were now gone, she wanted to hear the end of this conversation.

"That's where you are wrong Logan."

"How so?" Logan asked, looking at him in disbelief.

"I've already slept with her," Robert said smugly. "And you know what? It was amazing, those little noises she makes, while begging for me by name, telling me no one has ever been so deep." Robert smirked, watching Logan's face fall as the words landed. "Why would I give that tight piece up? No, I will be holding onto her for as long as I can. I bet you regret letting her go. Well it's too late, she is mine now." Robert taunted Logan before walking away with a smug sneer on his face. Logan looked contemptuously at the space where Robert had been standing before marching off.

Rory leaned back against the wall feeling torn and repulsed by what she had just heard. Nauseated that had ever allowed Logan to touch her, had he ever seen her as more than a challenge? Someone who wasn't quite as easy a lay as normal. She still had given into him quicker than she normally would and now she was cursing that recklessness. She shook her head, there was nothing she could do about Logan now. But Robert? She was going to need some coffee and alcohol to process that, she thought as she walked over to the cart ordering an extra large caramel macchiato to take back to her room. She walked back to her dorm in a daze not even thinking about how she got there.

"Rory? What are you doing back, I thought you had an afternoon lecture?" Paris asked, surprised at her roommate's presence, she had spread all her stuff out in the sitting room, thinking she would be alone to work for the afternoon.

"Paris?" Rory queried, she couldn't even remember walking home, although evidently she had. "How do you feel about getting drunk with me, and setting the world to rights?"

"Now?" Paris looked closer at Rory, she seemed paler than normal, the extra large coffee cup in her had was normal, although maybe larger than usual for an afternoon coffee, her books were still in her hand, so she had obviously originally planned on going to her lecture, something must have caused her to change her plans. Paris looked at her own work spread around the room, then back at her friend, one of her few friends, and then sighed. "Sure, go put your books away, and I will tidy up my things, then you can tell me what has happened."

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