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As Rory and Robert walked into the bar hand and hand, they both stopped to assess their surroundings. It was a Saturday night, so the bar was already busy, there was a dj playing for the night and a small dance floor set up, which was full of people swaying to the music.

"I don't see any empty tables," Rory shouted in Robert's ear so he could hear her in the raucous bar.

"Neither do I. Oh hang on, I see the guys and some of the LDB crew over there," Robert said, pointing at a corner. "We could join them?"

"Is that a good idea?" Rory asked nervously, spotting Logan's blonde head among the fray.

"We have to face him sometime, might as well get it over with, and hope he hasn't spoken to the Dark Lord yet today."

"Dark lord?" Rory asked, as she allowed Robert to lead her by the hand across the crowded bar.

"Mitchum," Robert stated plainly.

"Oh yeah, I should have got that one," she said, with a laugh just as they reached the group's table, which caused a few heads to turn their direction.

"Hey guys," Robert said to the table.




"Have I met you?"

"Hey man!"

After being greeted with a variety of responses, Robert spoke again. "Is it okay if we join you? It's busier than we expected."

"Sure," Finn agreed before anyone else could speak, earning himself a dirty look from Logan. "Who is this wonderful creature who is accompanying you?"

"Finn, you should remember Rory? Everyone else, this is Rory, my girlfriend." Robert stated as he pulled Rory down onto the bench seat beside him.

Robert was so busy making sure Rory was comfortable that he missed the volley of confused looks across the tables at his words.

"I'm sorry Robert but I think I misheard you. Did you just say girlfriend?" Stephanie asked, knowing everyone else wanted it clarified, apart from maybe Logan, who looked like he had swallowed something unpleasant.

Robert and Rory both looked up upon hearing the question, Robert smirked at the sight of his friends faces, while Rory's face flushed with color to see so many people staring at her.

"Yes, I did say girlfriend. The lovely Miss Gilmore here, agreed to be my girlfriend on Tuesday," Robert answered smugly, kissing her on the cheek. Rory watched as Logan stood up and pushed past his friends, walking towards the bar. She felt bad that they were pushing him away from his friends, but she also knew he couldn't be that surprised really by the news.

"Don't rub salt in any wounds." Rory whispered in Robert's ear. "You got the girl, no need to be smug."

"But that's exactly why I should be smug," Robert answered. "You know that he would have been intolerable, if he had been the one to get the girl. Sorry, I know you're not a prize and it wasn't about winning but come on, let me enjoy it a little?" Robert finished, pulling back from her ear and giving her his attempt at the puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, you win," she said, while rolling her eyes.

"I'll go grab us some drinks. Martini?" Robert asked as he stood, once Rory nodded in agreement, he walked away to the bar, while Rory watched him leave.

"So you and Robert?" Colin asked, appearing as if from nowhere and startling Rory.

"Yes," she answered hesitantly.

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