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Rory was laying in bed on Sunday morning contemplating whether to get up and find coffee, or roll over and try and get some more sleep, when she heard her cell phone beep with a text notification. Sitting up with a groan she reached to retrieve her cell from where it was perched on the nightstand.

Hey, do you have plans today? x

No, not so far why? x

Oh sorry, did I wake you? I was trying to catch you before you got busy and forgot how early it was. X

It's fine, I was awake. Just :P

I need to go and get some books for a class today and I wondered if you would like to get brunch and hang out at the bookstore with me? X

Are you kidding? Of course I want to! Books and food, and hopefully coffee. I'm in. What time?x

Of course there will be coffee, I know my target audience. Pick you up at 11?x

Sounds like you do, see you then x

Rory placed her cell back on the nightstand with a smile, before pushing herself up and out of bed. She wandered out into the living room, heading towards the kitchen to see if there was coffee or if she needed to head out.

"Finally awake are you?"

"Paris? It's only 9am on a Sunday, I'm entitled to sleep in." Rory stated as she checked the time.

"Of course you are Gilmore," Paris said, blustering her way into the kitchen and brushing Rory aside. "Block the door to our rooms last night, and block the coffee machine this morning. Anything else I should know not to need because you will be blocking it?"

"No. I'm going to run out and grab coffee, would you like me to bring you anything back?" Rory asked Paris, as she grabbed a hoodie and hurriedly tied her hair up in a messy bun.

"Yes, a latte, and hurry. I want to get to the library."

"Yes please Rory, Thanks for the offer Rory. Good slave Rory," Rory muttered under her breath as she walked out of the dorm to pick up the coffee.

"Thanks, Did you want to join me at the library?" Paris asked after Rory handed over her latte.

"No thanks. I'm going out for brunch, and probably most of the afternoon. I need to go get ready."

"With which of the frat boys?" Paris asked with an eyebrow quirk.

The question made Rory stop and think. Had she really seen Paris so little that week, that she hadn't even told her that her and Robert had made things official? "With Robert. My boyfriend. And you know he isn't a frat boy."

"Boyfriend. Huh. You finally got one to commit. That's like landing a whale. Well done Gilmore." And with that Paris was gone, leaving a slightly confused Rory behind.

Rory had just finished pulling on her boots when she heard the knock at the door. Grabbing her jacket on the way, she rushed to open it for Robert.

"Hey!" she exclaimed, greeting him with a chaste kiss and a quick hug.

"Hi. Are you ready to go, or will I come in for a minute?" Robert asked, trying to subtly look her up and down.

"I'm ready, I think. Unless I need to bring anything specific with me?" Rory asked Robert, while looking up at him, he was just the perfect amount taller than her. Tall enough to make her feel safe but not so much that she hurt her neck trying to look up at him.

"Nope you look perfect," Robert said, leaning down to kiss her forehead gently. "Let's go!" Robert tugged her hand and pulled her out, barely stopping to let her lock the door.

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