twenty one

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"Is that a giant rooster?" Robert exclaimed, looking warily out of the car window.

"Yep, that's Monty. Isn't he awesome?" Rory asked rhetorically, as Robert gave her a look of disbelief. "We will park over at my Mom's and walk over to Luke's for brunch if that's okay with you?"

"Sure, you know best, it's your town."

"Awesome, just remember that sentence as the day continues, and remember I don't live here anymore, just if anyone acts exceptionally crazy."

"Okay..." he answered, watching as Rory navigated her way through the small town. So far it looked like normal, cliche small town America, he was still a little unbelieving that it was quite as kooky as Rory implied.

"Okay, you have been warned, I can do no more for you." Rory said, as she pulled the car to a stop in the driveway and climbed out.

"Rory, it will be fine. I've already met your grandmother and it went fine. If I can handle Emily Gilmore, I think I can handle Stars Hollow." Robert said, looking at her as if she was being an idiot underestimating him.

"Robert," Rory said, walking up to him, "Emily Gilmore can't handle Stars Hollow." She gave him a peck on the cheek and walked away, leaving a shocked looking Robert in her wake.

"Hey, wait up," he shouted, as he shook himself out of his temporary stupor.

"Yes?" Rory greeted him, taking his hand in hers as they started the walk across the square. People were greeting Rory as she walked past, she was careful not to stop with anyone, knowing better than to introduce Robert to anyone else before her mother.

"Here we go," she said walking up to Luke's.

"Eh, Rory, That's a hardware store, I'm not falling for that kind of prank." Robert said, holding her back.

"No, that's where we are going for food," Rory said, talking slowly like he was an idiot. "And everyone is probably staring at us out the window, so come on," she said, giving his hand a tug.

"Okay, but if I trusted you and you are joking, I'll make you pay," he said, his voice dying off as they entered the diner and he saw that it was a real honest to God diner. "Okay, you win," he whispered, watching skeptically as every head in the room turned to look at them.

"Over here kid," Robert heard being called over the room, looking around he saw a late thirties brunette waving at them from where she sat.

"Last chance to run," Rory muttered at Robert as they walked over, "Hey Mom!"

"You drove," Robert replied under his breath, Rory smirked, leading him to believe he hadn't been as quiet as he thought, as he watched his girlfriend embrace her mother.

"Mom, this is Robert, Robert this is my Mom, Lorelai." Rory said, introducing the duo.

"Lorelai, it's nice to meet you after hearing so much about you." Robert said, reaching out a hand to shake hers.

"You warned him," Lorelai said, looking at Rory, before turning to Robert. "Nice to meet you, now sit down. Luke refused to let me order before you arrived. LUKE!"

"Jeez, Lorelai, I'm standing right here," Luke said, appearing as if from nowhere.

"Luke!" Rory exclaimed, jumping up to give him a hug. "Luke, this is my boyfriend Robert, Robert this is Luke!"

"Nice to meet you sir," Robert said, offering Luke a hand. Luke quirked a brow at him before waving his coffee pot as an explanation for his slight.


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