twenty nine

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"So where are we going today?" Rory asked Robert as he led her towards the helipad again. He hadn't given her any clues that morning, just told her to get dressed for the day, maybe to wear a sundress and comfy shoes.

"You will see when we get there," he replied with a smug smile, knowing that she didn't really like surprises but so far none of them had completely backfired on him yet.

"You're mean," she replied with a pout, which only resulted in him laughing and kissing her on the nose.

"You will see when we get there. The plan is to be gone all day and come back after sundown." They reached the helicopter then, and he helped her up into it, and with her harness again.

"Did we really need to go by helicopter again?"

"Yep, we did. We are leaving the island today," he said, as he finished tightening his own harness, giving the pilot the signal to take off, as he pulled Rory's hand into his grasp.

"Leaving the island? What?" Rory asked, looking at her boyfriend in confusion.

"You'll see."

"Oh My God, is that where I think it is?" Rory asked as the helicopter started to lose altitude as they approached the other island.

"I dunno, it depends where you think it is?" Robert replied, with a false innocence expression on his face.

"Is that Santorini?" Rory asked, as the helicopter flew over the sugar cube houses that have made the island famous.

"You would be correct Miss Gilmore-Hayden. Now would you like to fly over the whole island before we land or land and do the tour later?" Robert asked, as both him and the pilot awaited her response.

"Let's see the island," Rory said, as she bounced in her seat in excitement. "Thank you," she added, leaning over to give Robert a quick kiss, before rushing to look out her window again, scared she would miss anything.

"This is amazing," she breathed, twenty minutes later as the helicopter passed over the Nea Kameni volcano.

"I didn't think you would want to hike up here after yesterday," Robert replied, squeezing her hand.

"You were right. Seeing it, and the red beach from here are enough for me. I don't need to be up close for them to have an impact."

"Good, I mean I'm glad," Robert said, internally facepalming at himself. "We are going to land near Oia, and then we can spend the day there, and we will fly home after sunset?"

"That sounds perfect! I can't believe you planned this and managed to keep it a secret from me!" Rory exclaimed.

"Well, I had to show you I can be romantic sometimes."

"Thank you," Rory repeated, jumping into his arms to give him a proper thank you as soon as they were clear of the helicopter blades.

"Come on, let's go." Robert pulled her in the direction of the village.

They spent the day meandering through the village, enjoying the sights, there really was something new around each corner. They walked to Ammoudi bay, looking at the crystal clear water in the harbor, with the famous boulder formations behind it. Rory bought her mother some Greek jewellry in a tourist shop, while Robert managed to find phallic shaped bottle openers that he just had to buy multiples of for the guys.

As it approached sundown, Robert started leading her towards a restaurant near the top of the village, he had made sure to book them a table with a great view of the bay.

"This is gorgeous. How did you even find this place?" Rory asked, looking around after the waiter delivered their wine.

"I had to make a few phone calls, but everyone seemed to recommend it, so here we are. I hope the food is as good as the view."

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