forty two

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Graduation arrived for Rory much quicker than she expected, but unfortunately for her, she still had no idea what she wanted to do once she finished school. Paris had enacted a graduation plan and made sure that Rory had lots of options available, even making her sit the LSAT's, Rory had drawn a line and refused to sit the MCATs, having not studied any since based subjects since Chilton.

She discussed it one night over a bottle of wine with Paris.

"I just feel like I should have a firm plan in place by now," Rory said. "I mean look at you going to Harvard Med, it's amazing."

"Yes, but also remember how I freaked out and tried to dump Doyle? I wasn't all calm and collected. To go against years of myself talking. It's okay to not have a plan. Rory this is your life, you are allowed to take time and think about what you actually want to do, and what is just a familial obligation. I know that is what has you the most torn." Paris said, looking at Rory thoughtfully.

"You're right. I know my family would be happy if I progressed into law school, but I'm not sure if I would be," Rory said quickly, taking a gulp of her wine, as though even admitting to that was a problem.

"Could you defer any of the law school entries for a year? I think Yale Law would allow you to?"

"I can, Columbia also allows me to do certain courses remotely as well."

"What are you thinking? I know you have a plan in your head that you are scared to admit to. I know you Gilmore. You have the same look as you had when you were scared to tell me you got into Harvard back in senior year." Paris said sternly.

"I think, well I'm considering this, nothing is firm yet-"

"Just spit it out, Gilmore!"

"The Obama campaign job on the trail, while doing Law School remotely through Columbia. I would have lots of time on the bus to do school work, and get to travel and be part of a real press pack, with actual news to report on all the time. And the Law courses would help with some of the terminology and Obama used to be a lawyer."

"So what is stopping you from committing to that plan?" Paris asked, leaning forward. She poured Rory some more wine, knowing she needed it, well more so the false courage from it.

"Mom, and Robert."

"Okay so first, your Mom, what is the issue there? She always says you are going to be an overseas correspondent, this would be the first step towards that." Paris spoke, matter of factly, knowing that Rory would need to be walked through this.

"The law school part. I don't think she will like it. She will think I am just trying to win over the grandparents, especially the Haydens."

"And are you?"

"NO! If I was going into insurance I could see her argument. But even if I wanted to stay in journalism, a law degree will help, not hinder me. And I am actually really interested in Law. I'm best friends with you, every conversation is like an argument in court."

"I will choose to see that as a compliment, I think," Paris said, looking vaguely smug. "That would be easily explained to Lorelai I think. Now, Robert, what are you thinking?"

Rory took a gulp of her wine, as she looked around and took a deep breath before starting to talk. "He already spent this year catering to me, because I was still in school. I feel like I'm holding him back. Like he has waited a year for me to finish school, so I'm going to disappear on the campaign trail and sign up for another three or four years of school?"

"Do you really think that is how he would react?" Paris said, looking at Rory seriously.

"No, he would tell me to do what will make me happy, and support me through it all even if it was ruining his life," she said with a pout.

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