thirty five

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"So Logan text, we have reservations for 8:45. He said we can either just meet them downstairs for the car or if we are ready earlier, we can join them in their suite for drinks first." Robert said looking at Rory where she was sprawled on the couch attempting to recover from a day of power shopping with his mother.

"Do you want to go down after you get ready and play with your friends while I get ready? We both know I will take longer than you?" Rory asked, without even looking up as that would require moving.

"I was thinking that I could run you a bath, then go and visit with the boys while you are relaxing. Then I will come back and get ready with you, and we can go and join them properly together?"

"I knew there was a reason I loved you. That sounds amazing," she replied, lifting her head to blow him a kiss.

"Okay do you want wine or coffee in the bath?" he asked, walking towards the bathroom to turn on the water, knowing that the soaker tub would take a long time to fill.

"Anything you want to leave for me would be great," Rory answered, finally starting to peel herself off the couch.

"Your bath awaits my lady, I'll be back in about an hour and a half I think. If you need me before then call." Robert said, pulling Rory into his arms for a kiss, before heading to meet the guys.

Rory walked into the master bathroom after he left, she was shocked to find that he had managed to get candles from somewhere, which he had lit and surrounded the tub with. He had also placed a cup of coffee, a glass of wine and a mini tub of pringles beside it, that he must have taken from the mini bar.

Thank you, you are amazing x she text him quickly before stripping and easing herself into the tub with a relaxing sigh. Now all she had to do was not fall asleep in the tub.

When Robert returned, he shouted hello, before walking through the suite while beginning to take his clothes off, he needed a shopwer before beginning to get ready and figured that Rory had maybe fallen asleep in the tub. It wouldn't be the first time.

"Rory? I'm back. They guys have a pool table and a poker table in their..." The words died on Robert's tongue as he reached the bathroom and saw Rory. She was looking in the mirror as she had obviously just finished her makeup. But that wasn't what had captured his attention. She had her heels already on with black stockings that ended half way up her thighs, they were attached to a black lace and emerald silk garter belt, with what appeared to be a matching thong. Looking in the mirror he could see that she had a black lace and emerald silk cupped balconette bra on, making her breasts seem like they were a heavy breath away from escaping. Her makeup was heavier than normal, smoky, her hair was done in waves and pulled back away from her face to accent it, but the waves still tumbled down her back.

"Fuck, that's what you are wearing under your clothes? You can't wear that." Robert told her, a hungry look in his eyes as he stalked across the room towards her, all thoughts of a shower gone.

"Why not?" Rory questioned innocently, looking at him through the mirror, without turning.

"I already have limited control around you, and the knowledge, that this," he ran a finger tip up her thigh tracing between where the stocking ended and the garter belt began. "That this is what is under your clothes. This is going to test that limited control beyond its limits."

"Down boy," she said with a gentle laugh.

"Mmm," he murmured as he stepped closer to her and lowered his mouth to her exposed flesh. He decided that if she was going to do this to tease him, he was going to make sure she remembered she was his while they were out. He moved both of his hands to her hips, rubbing his thumbs there between the garter belt and strings of her thong. Watching her face in the mirror, he moved one hand towards her core, feeling the heat and wetness beginning to grow there against the silk. "Fuck Rory," he muttered as he rubbed the silk, as her head feel back against his shoulder, he moved her underwear to the side, and slide a finger into her slick heat.

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