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"Are you ready for this?" Rory asked Robert as she climbed out of the car in front of the Gilmore house.

"Yes, don't worry. I am well practiced at the DAR event circuit. You look gorgeous, I look hot," he said with a smirk. "We will be fine. And if not, well we can get really drunk when we get back to New Haven."

"You do look good," Rory answered, looking him over, taking in the rich navy blue suit, with the open collared white shirt, simple but sexy.

"You look amazing," he replied, pulling her closer and giving her a kiss on her temple before they reached the door. Rory had a navy lace cocktail dress on, with navy pump heels, they had managed to match perfectly, but completely unintentionally.

"Okay, brace for entry," Rory stated as they reached the door, and were greeted by a maid. "Straight to the bar?"

"Oh God yes. Always the first stop at one of these things," Robert answered with a laugh, as he wound his arm around her waist and steered her towards the bar. Martini and scotch in hand minutes later, they stopped to look around the room to see if there were many other young people in attendance or if they would be forced to listen to the "grown-ups" talk business all night. Seeing a mix of ages around the room was a relief. Unfortunately that relief was broken by the sight of Emily Gilmore walking across the room towards them.

"Incoming," Rory muttered under her breath subtly as she took a drink.

"Rory!" Emily exclaimed, as her and Richard reached the young couple. They quickly both embraced Rory. "And who is this young man?" Emily asked, looking Robert up and down, almost subtly.

"Grandma, Grandpa, this is Robert Goldman. He goes to Yale with me. Robert, this is Emily and Richard Gilmore, my grandparents." Rory quickly made the introductions.

"Nice to meet you, Mr and Mrs Gilmore." Robert stated as he shook Richard's hand and pressed a brief kiss to Emily's cheek.

"And you, son. Would your parents happen to be Marissa and Harry Goldman?" Richard asked.

"Yes sir."

"Oh good, lovely couple. I sometimes see your father at the club when I go."

"Yes, I believe they were invited tonight." Emily added.

"Yes, Mother mentioned it the other day, but they already had tickets to the opera for tonight in the city. Apparently it was one they absolutely couldn't miss. But she was happy I was attending in their stead."

"Marvelous, and what are you studying at Yale?" Richard asked.

"Finance and business, sir. I am a year ahead of Rory."

"Wonderful, and just how did you two meet?" Emily asked, her eyes gleaming in delight at the idea of Rory with a society guy.

"We have some mutual friends and we met at an event at Yale earlier this year. We just recently started spending more time together, didn't we?" Robert answered, looking at Rory cautiously. He knew from his own family, this is the point where the conversation could get dangerous.

"Yes, yes we did." Rory answered, smiling at Robert before looking at her grandparents, hoping that her Grandfather would keep her Grandma in line.

"That is just marvelous, isn't it Emily?" Richard asked, smiling at the group. Then not waiting for his wife continued, "Why don't you young folk go and mingle some more, or maybe share a dance." Dismissing them from the conversation, thankfully.

"Good idea Grandpa, I'm sure we will see you again later," Rory said, before quickly leading Robert by the hand in the opposite direction.

"Thank God for your grandfather," Robert whispered into Rory's ear as they walked away, causing her to laugh as her grandparents watched the young couple walk away.

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