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"So boys, do you have a deal? You both date her and let Rory choose?" Finn asked, watching the men's reactions like he was at a tennis match.

Logan looked Robert up and down, trying to gauge his response. Robert studied Logan, keeping his eyes on his face, trying to stare him down.

"DEAL," they said in unison, leaning forward to shake firmly on it.

"May the best man win," Colin said ominously.

"Or die trying," Finn added.

Sunday morning dawned bright and breezy. Rory looked outside and saw the dry but windy day and decided she needed a nice walk with coffee to clear her head, and maybe pick up some brunch. She had managed to avoid any more calls from her mother, while also not returning Logan's call. The past few weeks of casual dating, and socializing more around campus had started to show Rory how detrimental her close relationship with her mother was becoming in regards to her forming other connections and relationships. How was she supposed to experience all of college life if she spent every weekend at home? She knew she had to make allowances for Friday night dinners as they were a requirement to fund her tuition, but going all the way home each Saturday and Sunday wasn't really gaining her anything, it wasn't like she missed her mother's cooking. She needed to loosen the apron strings a little, it's no good having the 'cool' mom as a teenager, to have the 'overbearing' mom come college time.


Rory turned at the sound of her name being called across the quad. Looking around she spotted Robert doing a slow jog towards her. He was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans, with a dark green sweater on top, his hair had the unintentionally on purpose messy look going on, Rory couldn't help herself from thinking he looked delicious, while wishing that she had put more effort into her outfit than jeans and a sweatshirt.

"Robert, eh, Hi?" Rory greeted him uncertainly.

"I was going to call you later, but this is much better. Can I buy you a coffee?" Robert greeted her, while gesturing at the coffee cart ahead of them.

"I never say no to coffee," Rory agreed, following him to the cart.

"Well that is something that I will have to remember for future notice. What would you like? Regular coffee or something fancier?" Robert asked with a smirk as they reached the cart.

"Hey Rory, Sunday usual?" Greeted the barista.

"Apparently you come here a lot." Robert spoke.

"Hey Dan," Rory greeted the barista with a smile. "Can I get a latte?" she asked, looking at Robert.

"Two large lattes please my good sir," Robert ordered, smiling between Rory and the barista. "So the coffee guy knows you by name, and your order."

"I think all of the coffee carts on campus know me by name, I might have a small caffeine addiction," Rory answered, looking at Robert unabashedly.

"Well I suppose as college addictions go that isn't exactly the worst one to pick up," Robert answered, looking at Rory and watching a blush creep onto her cheeks.

"Two Lattes!"

"Thanks Dan, see you tomorrow."

"Sure Rory, tomorrow," Dan answered with an eye roll knowing he would see her again before the day was out.

"Take a walk with me?" Robert asked, gesturing a head with his coffee cup.

"Sure. So, you said you were going to call me later?"

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