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"Rory, with your twenty-first birthday coming up it might be time for a more formal introduction to society," Emily Gilmore stated over cocktails before supper.

"What do you mean, Grandma? I thought that's what being a debutante was about?" Rory asked, looking at her grandmother, confused about what she meant.

"I have been talking with Francine, and we both agree that with some of your family obligations, and both of your grandfather's health issues."

"Health issues? What health issues?" Rory asked, looking worriedly at her Grandpa.

"Well you know that my heart isn't quite what it used to be, neither myself nor Straub are young men anymore. Both of our companies would benefit from our succession plans being made more public."


"Don't worry, we know that you haven't made a firm career decision yet, and we aren't asking you to make one." Richard stated, preempting Rory's protest.

"So what are you suggesting?" Rory asked, looking between her grandparents, suddenly her mother being excused for the evening was making so much more sense.

"What we are proposing is around your birthday hosting an event to announce that you are officially the Hayden heir, and the Gilmore heir." Emily said, watching Rory carefully.

"What about Mom and Gigi?"

"Well Christopher has declared that Gigi will inherit his holdings when she is of age, leaving you free to inherit his parents. And your mother, well she agrees that she doesn't want to be the heir, it goes against what she has spent the past twenty years doing and she doesn't want to be a hypocrite. She will however still receive a generous inheritance, just not the main fortune or the business shares."

Rory sat back, gulping the remainder of her drink quickly. "May I have another please? Stronger this time?" she asked, handing Richard her glass. She sat looking thoughtful while he replenished her drink. "Thank you. So really nothing would change, is what you are saying?" she asked, looking skeptically at her grandmother.

"Well, in theory no. In reality, you will probably be featured in some society pages, and be expected to appear at a few more holiday parties than you currently do. There will probably be more interest from young men from certain families, but as you are quite settled with your young man I'm not too worried about that."

"You mean that they would be interested in me because my bank balance will jump when everyone dies?" Rory asked bluntly.

"Yes," Richard answered honestly. "We know that you have had money since you started Yale, but you have done a good job of hiding that you are a trust fund kid, whether it be intentional or not." Richard added, already seeing the protest that was about to come out of her mouth.

"So it will be worse because I have been discreet until now?"

"Potentially," Richard stated at the same time as Emily replied in the negative.

"Realistically, yes there will be more interest in you, but your grandfather, myself and the Haydens will absorb a lot of it, as it will come in the form of overzealous mother's trying to orchestrate set up dinners. Which I promise you that while you are with Robert and happy, we will not entertain the idea of." Emily said.

"Okay, I need to talk it over with Mom and Dad, but if everything is as you say, I don't see any problems with it." Rory said, nodding as she finished her drink and signaled for another. At her Grandmother's look, "I will arrange for a car back to New Haven or see if Robert can come get me. I'm already past the point I would be comfortable driving."

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