thirty seven

255 12 3

Before long spring was upon them, and Rory and Robert continued to go from strength to strength. Surprising all of their friends, as while they knew Robert really liked Rory, there was still a part of them that had really thought it was all about the challenge, and beating Logan. The longer they stayed together, the more that they proved all the doubters wrong.

"Hey, how was your day?" Robert asked, as Rory greeted him at her door. Kissing her quickly before walking in and setting two pizzas on the table.

"I had a great day, and it looks like it is going to continue," she said looking at the pizza as she closed the door behind her.

"Me too!" Robert said enthusiastically. "Anything in particular that made yours great?"

Rory sat down beside him and the pizza, grabbing a slice of the pepperoni before answering him. "Lane and Zach set a date for their wedding today, and she confirmed that she wants me to be her maid of honor."

"That's awesome, although there really was no doubt about that. You guys have been best friends for like sixteen years! Who else could she have picked?" Robert said in between bites.

"True. So what has made you so happy?"

"You know how we were trying to think of a final trip for the LDB before graduation?" Robert asked. Seeing her nod affirmatively as her mouth was full he continued. "We decided to go to Costa Rica."

"Oh that sounds fun, I always wanted to go there. What's the stunt you have planned?" Rory asked, knowing that they must have one planned.

"We are thinking that we will go base jumping. A few locations are coming up that look to have some amazing options. Will you come with me?"

"Am I allowed?" Rory asked shocked, sure she had attended the occasional event with him, but there were still alot she couldn't as she wasn't a full member.

"Yep, trips like this we are always allowed to bring other halves if we have them. I knew you would love to visit Costa Rica even if you didn't do the stunt so of course you are invited." Robert stated as though the answer was obvious.

"Okay, that sounds fun. I wonder is it before the wedding? Maybe I would have a tan for it." Rory mused.

"I don't know, when is the wedding?" Robert asked.

"The wedding's April 10th."

"We leave April 10th." They both answered in unison, before stopping and looking at each other shocked.

"Shoot," said Rory. "Well make sure Steph takes lots of pictures for me, okay?"

"Wait, what? Why does Steph need to take pictures for you?" Robert asked, confused.

"Because I can't be in two places at once?" Rory replied, looking quizzically at Robert. The answer was obvious surely.

"I know that. You don't think I would leave you behind, to go to the wedding alone, while I go on the trip alone?" One look at Rory's face was enough to tell him that yes, that was exactly what she thought would happen. "Rory, the guys and I haven't booked anything at all yet. I will tell them tomorrow we need to move the dates by a day or two. Leave late on the 11th or better yet the 12th."

"Seriously? You would do that for me?" Rory asked, disbelief written all over her face.

"Of course I would. I told you before I would do anything for you, did you really think I wouldn't the first time that there was an opportunity to prove it."

"Well I just assumed that you wouldn't want to rearrange all your plans for me."

Robert pulled her in close, enclosing her in his arms. "Rory, I plan on arranging my life, to make sure that you have a giant starring role in it. Of course I will rearrange things for you. Even if it doesn't work for everyone, we wouldn't miss much if we missed the first day of the trip. They are going for a week, and we both know the stunt is always on the last day."

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