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Rory woke up in her childhood bedroom to the sound of her cell phone beeping. Patting her arm wildly around the bed for the source of the noise, she finally found it halfway under her pillow. At least that explained why the noise seemed like it was right in her ear. Checking it she found a message from Robert.

Hey, How would you feel about meeting a bit earlier and heading into New York for dinner?

Rory thought about it for a minute before deciding it had been awhile since she had been in the city so maybe it was worth going there for a change of scenery. She quickly typed out a reply before getting up to get dressed for breakfast, the only disadvantage of always eating at Luke's was having to get properly dressed for breakfast.

Sure that sounds great, can we have dinner in Chinatown? Unless you had any other plans already made that is.

By the time she was dressed she had already received a reply from Robert stating that he also wanted to go to Chinatown and that he would pick her up at 6. Rory grabbed her cell and her wallet before leaving the crap shack to walk towards Luke's knowing that she would find her mother already there and waiting for her, so they could have a quick breakfast together before she headed back to New Haven for the day.

Just after six that evening, Rory found Rory running to answer the door while not fully ready to go.

"Hey," she said, greeting Robert with a kiss on the cheek. "Sorry I need five more minutes, have a seat or wander around. I'll be back," she shouted over her shoulder as she headed back into her bedroom closing the door behind her.

Robert sat on the couch to wait for her, he knew for most people five minutes was really ten to fifteen so he might as well make himself comfortable. He looked at the stack of textbooks on the end table and reminded himself he really must ask Rory what her roommate was studying. The pile had journalism books, law books and anatomy books, he figured the journalism books were all Rory's so he picked one up to look at while he waited. Just as he opened it Rory appeared.

"I'm ready now, thanks for waiting for me," she said with a smile walking into the common room.

Robert looked at her, she had on a dark blue dress on, it fell to just above her knees, and gave an ample view of her cleavage. Her chestnut hair fell in waves down her back. The look on Robert's face was making Rory glad that her hair had grown long again.

"You look gorgeous, maybe we need to stay here so no one else can see how hot you look." Robert said only half jokingly.

"Well thanks, I think. Should we go?" she asked, grabbing her jacket and starting to walk to the door, waking Robert from his trance.

"Yes, let's go. The car is waiting for us," he said, placing a hand on the small of her back leading her to where there was a town car waiting for them. "I hope you don't mind us using a town car, but parking is always awful in the city and I wasn't planning on being sober to drive home."

"No, I expected it. I'm almost shocked you didn't consider going all out on a limo." Rory said with a smirk.

"I figured that would be a bit ostentatious for just the two of us. The driver will keep the screen up in the car though so we can talk freely, or sing along to music off key without fear of retribution."

"Who says I would sing out of key?" Rory asked, raising her eyebrow at Robert as she slid into the car.

"I apologize madam, I was referring to my own lackluster talent when it comes to singing."

"Oh I can't sing to save my life, I was just curious what you would say."

"You little sneak, had me feeling guilty," Robert said, reaching over in an attempt to tickle her, only for Rory to move out of his reach quickly. "So how was your night at home?"

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