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On Friday morning Rory had just sat down in the lecture hall for the first lecture of the day when she heard her phone chime signalling that she had a message. Thanking whoever sent it for making her realize she hadn't silenced her cell, she opened the message to see that it was from Logan.

Hey Ace, would you like to get dinner tonight? X

Rory shook her head, thinking for not the first time that Logan must really not listen to her when she talks, she had told him she had standing plans for each Friday night, yet it never failed for him to ask her out.

Sorry, it's Friday, I'll be in Hartford, remember? Maybe next time.

With that Rory silenced her cell and let it drop to the bottom of her bag as the professor walked into the room, and called everyone to attention.

At the end of the class Rory checked her cell again on her way to grab a coffee before spending some time at the paper prior to her next class. She had received three messages. One from her Mom, one from Logan and one from Robert.

Mom- Hey can you bring your blue dress tonight? I need need need it for a date with Luke tomorrow. See you later kid x

Logan- oops I forgot. Maybe some other time this weekend? X

Robert- Thanks again for last night, I had a great time and a good carb crash. What number coffee are you on so far? x

Rory smiled at her cell, deciding who to answer first as she picked up her latte.

Mom- Mom I will let you BORROW the dress but I better get it back.

Robert- I might be on coffee number 3, but they were all different, so I don't think they really counted. Do you have lots of classes today? X

Logan- I have plans for the most of the weekend, I might have Sunday afternoon free?

She quickly fired off her responses, before marching across the quad to the paper offices. As she sat down, she couldn't help but think of the differences between her interactions with Robert and her interactions with Logan. Robert was a breath of fresh air, he was completely different from the expectations she had of him, and in a good way. He was quickly earning her respect, and boy could he kiss. They had great chemistry and so far had yet to have any lulls in conversation when they go out.

On the other hand, Logan had lost a lot of her respect during their last date, when he showed her how immature his attitude was, how little he thought about others feelings and lives. They had originally had great chemistry, but compared to Robert it seemed mediocre. She knew that the time was coming to end her arrangement with Logan, but for some reason that she couldn't quite put her finger on she was hesitant to actually pull the plug.

Rory sighed before looking around the bustling newspaper office, she checked the clock and realized she had been there over thirty minutes and not even turned her computer on. Shaking her head she decided she wasn't going to get anything done while she was in this contemplative mood so she might as well leave. With one more check of her cell she realized that Robert had replied.

I have one lab this afternoon then I am home free for the weekend. I may be on my way to grab coffee number 3 as well. Have a safe drive to Hartford x

Smiling, she put her cell away before walking towards her next class for the afternoon.

"So how's the casual dating life treating you kid?" Lorelai asked, as they relaxed on the couch in the crap shack after Friday night dinner.

"It's going okay, good, better than okay really," Rory answered uncertainly, looking at her Mom.

"Okay Kid, spill. I can tell you're overthinking something, so let me have it." Lorelai said, waving her arms in a gimme action.

"Well the dates with Logan have been fun. A little bit impersonal but fun. Dinner in a fancy restaurant and mini golf. He has opened up a bit more, but I'm not sure that I'm liking what I am seeing and hearing. We still have decent chemistry, but it has definitely gone down since I took sex off the table," Rory finished with a blush.

"Okay, and the dates with Robert?" Lorelai asked, quickly passing by the mention of her daughters sex life.

"With Robert the dates have definitely had more consideration put into the or he has got very lucky. The open mic night, the movie marathon, he even took me to a bakery this week and we just had dessert for supper, we ordered a pile of desserts and just shared them. No real food." Rory paused to make sure her Mom was still listening. "He has been so open, and apparently honest, the man coming through his facade is a man I want to get to know. The chemistry that we share is amazing. I thought Paris was going to have to hose us down outside the dorm room last night."

"Well that's definitely a more empathic response than you gave me about Logan, so what's holding you back? Why are you still dating both of them?"

"Did you know that they both thought that Dad was a third guy I was dating?" Rory asked, knowing her Mom would find it hilarious.

"No way! How did you explain that?"

"I explained to Robert it was my Dad, and well I haven't seen Logan since. I'm not sure if Robert will have told him or left him to wonder."

"He will probably leave him to wonder, you know what men are like," Lorelai answered, looking at Rory causing them both to break out into a fit of giggles.

"Anyway, I'm worried that Robert will back off if I stop seeing Logan," Rory admitted, biting her lip nervously as she looked away, avoiding eye contact with her Mom.

"So you're worried that he is only in it for the chase?" Lorelai asked, trying to get some clarification before she continued, at Rory's affirmative nod, she began. "Well I don't think that's what is happening, especially if he is appearing to be open and honest. I don't think it's just about one man upping Logan, but if that is what is going on, is it not better to find out now before you get anymore involved?"

Rory sat back, thinking of it like that hadn't occurred to her. She had a lot of thinking ahead of her, she knew her Mom was right but she had to weigh up all the pros and cons first.

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