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"Robert, do you know anything about this invite I got this morning?" Rory asked her boyfriend, after she kissed him in greeting upon entering his dorm.

"What invite?" Robert asked, looking after his girlfriend curiously, watching as she pulled a piece of cardstock from her purse and handed it to him.

You are hereby invited as a guest to the next

Life and Death Brigade's event,

A member of the current cohort will pick you up,

at 11am on Saturday March 14th.

Casual athletic attire is requested.

No R.S.V.P is required

"I didn't know they were inviting you, I actually am not even sure what the next event is," Robert said, lifting his eyes from the invitation to look at Rory. "I do know it's a one day event, not overnight, and is a more casual day, more about fun than the stunts Colin said, he helped Logan plan it. Are you going to go?" he asked, looking hopefully at her.

"No need to attempt the puppy dog eyes, you know my curiosity wouldn't allow me not to go," she replied, taking the invitation back. "So you really don't know what it is?"

"Nope. I know Finn complained because apparently it will require everyone staying sober for most of the day." Robert stated, walking over to the couch and pulling Rory down beside him. "Which means it is probably something that would make you sick if you were drunk, as we don't have many events that require soberness. So are you going to wear something tight and spandex?" Robert asked, with a mischievous grin.

"What makes you think I even own something spandex?" Rory responded quirking her brow at him like he was crazy.

"Maybe I need to take you shopping before the event then," he stated, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"If you do that, then everyone else there will also see me in the tight spandex." Rory teased, watching as the look of jealousy flashed across Robert's features.

The pick up time on the day arrived, and Rory answered her door as soon as she heard the knock. She was surprised to be greeted by the sight of her boyfriend. She quickly appraised him. He was in a pair of charcoal joggers that looked like they were some kind of technical material, a light blue t-shirt, with an open white button up over it. He looked like a walking lululemon mens advert, and it was very tempting.

While she was eyeing up her boyfriend, he was doing the same to her. Rory was wearing a pair of burgundy three quarter crop tight leggings, with a white short sleeve tunic top, she had a black hoodie in her hand. As she turned to lock her door, Robert was forced to gasp, her plain white tee was not so plain, it was mainly backless, with a twist in the fabric in the middle of her back, showing off her light pink sports bra. Her long high ponytail doing little to conceal her skin.

"Okay, you were right, you in spandex is way too tempting, i think we need to go back into your dorm and change your clothes, maybe get a little sweaty first." Robert said, fighting to keep his eyes on her face.

Rory swatted his shoulder playfully, "Come on, I'm sure one of the stooges is waiting on us in the parking lot?" she said, smirking at him, as she walked away, putting more of a sway in her step than normal knowing that he was watching her ass as she walked away from him.

"Hey! Wait up!," he shouted, as he finally shook himself out of his revelry and caught up with her, taking her hoodie from her, and swinging an arm around her waist, making sure his hand slid under the fabric to touch her bare skin.

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