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"Let's all welcome Ms. Irenielle Marcos Araneta!" the host introduced me.

I waved my hands and smiled.

"Salamat at napaunlakan mo ang aming inbitasyon,"

I am doing a live interview from an entertainment show. They've been persuading me on doing it for weeks now, and ngayon lang ako naging available. Tita and Mommy briefed me about their possible questions.

Well, I just hope they don't ask something about my family's issue and try to be against it, or else we'll really have a debate here right now.

"Thank you for having me," I simply answered.

"You are so beautiful!" The host praised.

I smiled. "Thank you.."

"We'll be having an interview with you and your brother and your cousin next week, right?"

I nodded and smiled. "Yeah.. Thank you for keeping on inviting us."

"It is our pleasure," the host bowed and smiled a little.

"You're known as the darling of the Marcos family now... You are really the newest center of attention, how... how are you feeling about that? Has anything changed? How are you coping up with it?"

I cleared my throat. "Well, nothing changed naman. I still.. uh.. maintain my private life. I won't do much interviews—"

"Thank you for allowing us to interview you," the host said sincerely.

"It's my pleasure.. So yeah... I'll just go public if there's any endeavors of my family that includes... you know... all of us. And uh.. I can cope up very well, cause I don't let the negativity get into me. And also of course, me and my family always have each other... I'm very glad that I am called the darling of the Marcoses, well I'm used to it na cause I'm the only girl nga in the family. I've seen din in social media, that there are people who's admiring me and I'm really thankful for that.."

"Wow! That is amazing... So before we ask all those intense questions—"

"Oh! There are intense one?" I giggled.

"But I'm sure you can answer it, ikaw pa... We're gonna ask you muna... some... pretty personal questions.. Who are you?... Who are you when no one is watching?"

I licked my lower lip. I bit the insides of my cheek.

"Uhm.. Well, I'm just a normal girl. I don't have a job yet.. I'm a fresh board passer of psychology—"

"Wow that is amazing!"

"Yeah thanks. I'm still planning on building my own.. uh clinic. Yeah.. I'm just an average girl. Very musically inclined, like my mother. Ano pa ba... Very family oriented... I must say. I guess that's all,"

The host nodded. "You could possibly help on the mental health section of your Tito..."

"Well, yeah. But we did not discussed it yet, we are not there yet kasi... And we don't want jinx it, kasi it would hurt so much if something opposite would happen. But if the time comes.. and Tito would agree or offer, I would get out of my way,"

"How about your parents? Well, if it's allowed to ask questions about them lang ha.."

I nodded. "Yes it's okay. I've talked to them about this... and it's me naman who'll answer... it would always be okay with them." I laughed. The host did too.

"Who are your parents when no one is watching?"

I sighed. "Hmm. They're normal people too. Mom is still conducting orchestras.. sometimes. She loves going to a cultural events. She's the one who cooks, buy groceries... Like what usual mom does. She's kind of strict to us.. but spoils us at the same time. A very loving mother, a wonderful wife to my Dad. And also, she's a very doting grandmother. Like really,"

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