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We have arrived at Ilocos already. We directly went to the house where Mommy and Tita Imee were. It's already four in the dawn when we arrived.

"Good morning, pretty!" Kuya Matt said when he saw me entering the dining area to eat our breakfast early.

"Good morning, Kuya Gov."

We are the only ones who's downstairs, mommy and daddy were still in their room, preparing. Others are probably still preparing for the day too.

I kissed him on the cheek and sat down on my chair. Kuya Matt is preparing his coffee, then he looked at me.

"You want coffee?" Kuya Matt asked while stirring his coffee.

I shook my head. "Milk, kuya."

"You want me to prepare it for you?"

I nodded and smiled. "Yes, please. Thank you, Kuya Matchu."

He chuckled when he heard what I called him.
I saw Tita Imee walking on the staircase towards us. She smiled when she saw me. She kissed my temple from where I was sitting.

"Good morning, Ells!" She greeted.

"Good morning, Tita!"

She did a cheek kiss with Kuya Matt too, and greeted each other. She sat down on her chair.

"Coffee, Mom?" Kuya Matt asked.

She nodded. "Yes please, Matt." She looked at me. "How about you? Coffee?"

"She wants milk, Mom. I'm preparing it for her since she wants me to make it daw," Tita Imee giggled upon hearing Kuya Matt.

Our helper brought the platter of rice and put on the dining table. They also brought all the viands out. There were eggs, bacon, hotdogs, and corned beef. After placing all of it, they went back to their quarters.

Mommy and Daddy came down too.

"Good morning, my baby girl." Daddy greeted and kissed my cheek.

"Good morning, Daddy bear." I smiled.

He sat down on the chair at my left. Mommy approached me, she kissed my cheek and hugged me from my back. I smiled. I know that she missed me.

"Good morning, baby. How was your flight?" She asked sweetly. She sat down at the chair beside me after asking.

Kuya Matt placed the cup of milk in front of me. I smiled. "Thanks, Kuya." He sat back down at his chair.

I looked at mommy again and answered her. "It was fine, mommy."

She nodded and smiled. She stood up to prepare her tea and coffee for daddy.

"Aren't you sleepy?" Daddy asked. I shook my head.

"Nope. I slept the whole time," I giggled.

Mommy came back with a two cups on her hand. When Tito Bong and Kuya Sandro came down, we all started eating. Tita Liza didn't come with us cause she is behind the campaign of Tito, she's at the headquarters.

"Ellie," Tito Bong called me. I looked at him sitting across me. I raised my eyebrows.

"After eating, take a bath and prepare na ha. We'll leave early, Mayor Inday will be arriving later. We'll see her at the headquarters here in Ilocos," he informed me. I nodded and continued chewing my food.

"Don't forget to bring your gloves that reaches your elbows ha... baka makurot or baka magasgasan ka." Tita Imee said as she sipped on her coffee.

"Noted, Senator!" I naughtily answered to tease her. She rolled her eyes and chuckled.

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