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🧚🏻‍♀️ note: I'm not very certain about these Ilocano translations right below, I just used a translation app. Bare with me, I am not an Ilocana. Feel free to correct me, that will be much appreciated. :)

ps. leaving some comments will be very appreciated, kindly leave some hehe (i love reading them) 🧚🏻‍♀️

The venue was flooding of people! It's a sea of red and green. They were holding the Philippine flag, and some of them are holding the Pride flag. They were all smiles when we entered the stage.

I am sitting at the back of the candidates, together with my parents, Tita Imee and my cousins. There were performers who is performing for the team.

We were all smiling and laughing, cause the senators are making some jokes. Our rallies isn't really very serious, it will be so boring and the people will be uninterested.

I was looking at the crowd when I suddenly saw few people signaling that there is a girl that is suffocating. The medics are beside the stage and alerted of these situation. The people in the front are waving their hands asking for help.

Nagulat si Mommy at Daddy nang bigla akong tumayo para puntahan ang mga medics at sabihan sila.

"Sir, someone's asking help from the side part of the front!" I informed them, pointing on those group of people.

They immediately went to them, rushing. They lift the girl up, and brought her to the tent, for the emergencies.

I turner to look at the medics again and said, "Please pay attention and be alerted,"

They bowed a little saying their apologies. I just nodded and went back to my seat. Mommy was asking what that was.

"I just told them that someone in the front needed help, and I guess they did not notice it." I sighed and shook my head in annoyance.

I just hate it when people isn't paying attention to those who needs help. The people in the medics were just looking at who's speaking on the stage! When they should be paying attention to the people more!

Inakbayan ako ni Daddy. "Chill... They're doing their job,"

"They weren't paying attention enough," I sighed.

Mommy held my hand and gave me my tumbler, "Drink water,"

I opened my jug and drank it. I saw the medics paying attention to the crowd more, good.

The performer for Mayor Inday is now performing. The crowd was very hyped, and so we are! I was bobbing my head and danced with Mommy. Daddy was just sitting straight, but he obviously looked hyped too.

Mayor Inday is the one speaking in front now. I thought the roof was going to fall! The chant of the people are clearly unbelievable!

I turned my phone on and took a picture of Mayor Inday, speaking in the front. I also took a picture of me and my parents and posted it on my social media.

"@elliemarcosaraneta: Bantay for today!!✌🏻" I captioned.

I returned my phone on my bag and listened to Mayor Inday. She sounds so firm and straightforward with whatever she was saying. She looks and sounds so sincere. She's one of my role models, an alpha woman.

It was Tito's turn already after Mayor Inday, his performer already introduced him. I smiled. I am proud.

He introduced my cousins, and the crowd went wild, obviously. They were chanting their names and shown their placards showing their marriage offers.

My cousins stood up in front. We are laughing in the back, they really are not used to it.

"Pwede naman pala mag artista eh!" Tita Imee told us. We all laughed.

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