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Kuya Luis is tailing me since he arrived earlier, I have been snobbish ever since they arrived here. My brothers and cousins arrived earlier this morning in our house, since we'll all be together in San Juan tomorrow. So we just decided to go altogether.

I am all dressed because me and Mommy's sibling will go to a studio for their siblings' interview. I'll be accompanying them, cause I want to.

"Stop following me nga!" I said to Kuya Luis when we reached the living room. All of the family members were there, Tito Bong still preparing.

"Attitude, Ellie ah... That's still Kuya," Dad calmly warned me.

"Hala, napagalitan ka tuloy..." Kuya Sandro teased me. Sinamaan ko siya ng tingin at nginisian lang ako!

Padabog akong umupo sa tabi ni Tita Aimee. Tumabi din si Kuya Luis sa akin. I groaned and stomped my feet in annoyance. Tinawanan nila ako.

"Kuya, please! Stop it!"

Sumandal si Kuya sa akin at hinalikan ako sa pisngi. I wiped it.

"Ang arte!" Kuya Luis exclaimed. I rolled my eyes.

"Stop it nga! Annoying naman eh."

He hugged me from the side and rested his chin on my shoulder. He pouted, he looks like a dog. He said, "Kuya's making lambing lang naman eh... And I wanna apologize for yelling at you the other day..."

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms in front of my chest. "You don't mean that, don't yo—"

"I mean it! Of course, I do!" He snuggled closer to me more and the family members laughed. "Kaya sorry na, hmm? I'm sorry, baby Ellie."

Pinanliitan ko siya ng mata at bumuntong-hininga. "You're just saying that cause we'll meet Mama Meldy na tomorrow and you're scared that I'll tell the things you guys did to me!"

They all laughed.

Kuya Luis spoke, "No kaya! I'm really serious about apologizing. And kahit na mag-apologize naman kaming lahat, you'll still make sumbong." He sheepishly grinned.

All of my Kuyas suddenly knelt on the floor in front of me! I guess they're really serious about it.

"Sorry na, hmm..." Kuya Borgy started.

"Okay guys.. In 3, 2, 1.." Kuya Vinny counted that made me confused.

"We apologize, Madame Irenielle!" They all said in unison, with all their baritone voices!

The elders laughed! I did chuckle too! They're like a servant apologizing to their master, I am the master.

"That still sounds like... a teasing, you know." I stated. I sighed and just shrugged. "Well okay! I accept your apology and... Thank you! Thank you for apologizing... cause I got hurt for the yelling."

They all stood up and jumped happily! These guys are crazy. Napailing-iling na lang ako. Mommy came down along with Tito Bong, with brows furrowed maybe wondering why these tall giants are jumping like crazy.

"What's happening here?" Tito Bong asked as soon as he came down.

"Oo nga. You all look... crazy!" Mommy said.

Tita Aimee spoke, "They apologized to Ellie, and she accepted their apology."

"Ah! Yun naman pala! Edi good job boys!" Tito Bong clapped. Napatawa kami. Sumabay sa kanya sila Daddy at Tita.

Mia sat on my lap and she kissed my cheek. My first baby girl. Can't believe that she's almost grown up now. In no time she'll be as tall as me.

"Mia... I apologized to Tita Ellie na ah..." Kuya Michael said.

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