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When we arrived at Forbes, most of my family members were there. We'll have our usual Sunday lunch and dinner. We all just came back from our Ilocos campaign, which was very tiring.

Mama Meldy can't make it for today's gathering. She just had her usual check up and the doctor advised her to rest. So we'll probably see her altogether after my Tito's next two campaigns.

I changed into my blue spaghetti strap dress that reaches below the knee and has ribbon at the back, and wore my black flip flops. I just applied lip gloss and let my hair down.

Everyone slowly arrived when I went down. Tita Liza kissed me on my cheek, for greetings. I smiled.

"How are you?" She asked, caressing my back.

I sighed. "Just fine, Tita. Exhausted from the flight and the campaign,"

"Rest later, hmm." I nodded and smiled.

She approached Tita Aimee. My brothers also arrived with their family. I was greeted by my nephews and niece running towards me. I knelt down to reach them for a cheek kiss.

Kuya Luis' daughter opened her arms to me, asking to be carried. I lift her up and carried her, I kissed her chubby cheeks and chuckled when giggled. She's literally a mixture of Ate Xandra and Kuya Luis. But has my eyes.

Ate Xandra and I did a cheek kiss. She offered to carry her daughter again, but my niece declined, snuggling her face on my shoulder. We chuckled. Andy greeted me too, I lowered down so he could kiss my cheek and hug me.
And ran after his grandparents, for a greeting

Kuya Alfonso kissed my temple and hugged me sideways. Why do I suddenly feel tensed with their behavior now? They're usually kulit when they see me, but they seem so serious today. Even my cousins.

Kuya Luis approached me and did the same with what Kuya Alfonso did.

"We'll talk later." He seriously muttered and all I could do was nod. There's seriously no humors on their faces today, that's scary.

He reached his daughter from me and they went to where Mom and Dad was. Kuya Michael and his family was the last one to arrive. As usual, Mia was the one who greeted me first. She was so cheerful today, not like his uncles.

She kissed me on my cheek and ran towards the group of her cousins, playing. She brought her brother to them too. I hugged and cheek kissed Ate Cara too and she whispered something to me.

"Your Kuya might say something to you later, kanina pa yan seryoso."

I glanced at Kuya Michael and he just looked so serious. I seldom see him like this, he's just like this when he has a court appeals. I looked at Ate Cara again.

"Halos silang lahat po na mga Kuya ko, ganyan din po. Puro seryoso ngayon," I worriedly said.

Ate Cara looked at me and gave me an assuring smile. "Don't worry that much,"

I just nodded and smiled. She followed her kids and greeted the elders after. Kuya Michael kissed my temple, but he still looks so serious.

"We'll talk about something later, hmm."

I licked my lower lip and pouted. "That was also what Kuya Luis said,"

He just gave me a nod and left me from where we are. I sighed and just followed where they all are. They are in the backyard, we'll have a picnic type of lunch today.

I sat quietly when Tita Imee approached me. Probably noticing my sudden silence. I gave her a small smile.

"Kanina ko pa napapansin 'yang pagiging tahimik mo, is there a problem?" She concernedly asked.

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