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I am in the studio again but now with Kuya Alfonso and Kuya Borgy, for the interview. It actually shocked me that they agreed on doing this. These two Kuyas of mine is staying very lowkey, it's our first interview together. Well, I hope next time it would be all of us.

I am wearing my red polo shirt and white trousers. It's inspired with mommy's usual look. My Kuya Alfy is wearing a red button down shirt and casual jeans. Kuya Borgy naman is wearing simple red t-shirt and jeans. We are looking so casual today.

I sat in between my two Kuyas. The host sat down at the chair in front of us, we shook hands with him for the greetings. We started after a few minutes.

"Magandang araw sa inyong lahat." The host said to the camera, for the introduction.

I looked at Kuya Alfy, he was looking at me too. I smiled at him and he smiled back. Hinawi niya ang konting buhok na naka harang sa mukha ko. I smiled and turned to look at the front again.

"We have here the presidential candidate, Bongbong Marcos' nephews and niece. Borgy Marcos Manotoc.. Alfonso Marcos Araneta.. and their darling, Irenielle Marcos Araneta." He introduced.

We all waved at the camera and smiled.

"How are you?" The host asked.

We all looked at each other, and smiled for unknown reason. Kuya Alfy signaled Kuya Borgy to answer.

"W-We are all doing fine... Currently busy with our individual businesses, but yeah.. we spend time with each other naman." We nodded in agreement with what Kuya Borgy said.

"And also, we are busy attending our Uncle's campaign... well sometimes only. We just accompany our darling here," Kuya Alfy seems teasing me. I pouted and they just chuckled.

"Why? Why are you accompanying her?" Host asked.

"Well, that's part of our deal with her.. She really wanted to go out in the public life... So we made a deal that she'd be going with one of us when she goes out to attend Tito's campaign," Kuya Borgy answered.

"That's non-negotiable?" Host asked again.

"Yeah.. it is not. She'd really have to be with one of us for security measures—" Kuya Alfonso was interrupted.

"But don't you guys have security?" The host confusedly asked.

"They really are just so protective," I answered, they laughed.

"We just want you safe. Threats are surrounding our family," Kuya Alfy said and I just shrugged.

The host nodded. "What are your contributions with this campaign?"

"Nothing really," We all laughed with what Kuya Borgy said.

"Yeah right. We are just there to show support and make bantay to Ellie," Kuya Alfonso stated.

The host faced Kuya Borgy and spoke, "You started as a model, right?" Kuya Borgy nodded.

"Why did you stop?"

Kuya Borgy cleared his throat. "Well mainly because.. I decided to focus on my business. And I stopped when my younger brother, Matthew ran for a seat in Ilocos. He's now the Governor,"

"Do you have plans on coming back in the show business?"

"Uh. No.. I am now engrossed in my business and as a father,"

I felt Kuya Alfonso hand reaching mine and intertwining it. I looked at him and he was seriously looking at the host, listening to him. I leaned on his shoulder, still holding his hand.

"How about you, Alfonso? What do you do?"

"Well.. I work in my father's company.. and I am a father," Kuya simply answered.

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