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Please refer to the display photo for the visual representation of Ellie's outfit, it might help you guys visualize what she wore.
And also I have decided to change Ellie's instagram username. :)
From @elliemarcosaraneta To @ireniellem.araneta

Ps. I do not own any of the pictures shown. Credits to the rightful owners. I just got them from Pinterest.
—misscelestiana 🧚🏻‍♀️
Watching my Uncle, Aunt and Cousins walking up the stage, standing proud and happy, makes me feel so delighted. I am beyond proud of where we've come right now. Serving the people of the country has always been so natural for everyone of us.

From the day to day campaigns, meeting with people from another city, and seeing a lot of people every single day, we have already come so far. Now, the real job is about to begin. This is not the end, just the beginning of the real mission.

Seeing the happy faces of the farmers, doctors and nurses, policemen and other workers of the land makes me so proud of being a Filipino. The volunteers has a proud aura on their faces while they are walking in front, lining up with the flag on their hands.

This is real. This is not a dream but a real moment. We are about to work with and for these people. We will rise up and soar higher again with the help of our people.

As I was sitting on my chair, I was clapping continuously, feeling very proud of my countrymen. Tito stood up, clapped and bowed for the people who volunteered for this historic day.

After seeing the volunteers, the first family came close to us to greet us. Kuya Vinny went to me first, we did a cheek kiss and he complimented me for being beautiful today. Kuya Sandro and Kuya Simon did the same. Tita Liza went to me and we did a cheek kiss and she said.

"You look marvelous today, darling!" She gladly exclaimed. I smiled.

"You look wonderful too, Tita First Lady!" I said too.

When Tito went to me, he kissed my temple and gave me a short hug.

"Congratulations, Tito President. I am so proud," Tears starting to build up on my eyes.

He smiled at me, sweetly and uttered, "Thank you, anak. I love you, sweetheart." Then he walked back at the front.

Not for long, Tito took his oath. I have never been prouder. It is an overwhelming feeling. He's now the President of the country. He's sitting at the highest seat of the land. And I guess that makes me the presidential niece now.

After his oath, they requested Mayor now Vice President, Inday Sara, to come in front for the taking of the picture with the first family. She looked so great with her white Filipiniana gown. She's outstanding, really. Her body curves are unbelievable!

"May we request the Marcos family for the taking of the picture. Former First Lady, Imelda Romualdez Marcos. Presidential sisters, Senator Imee Marcos. Miss Irene Marcos Araneta and Miss Aimee Marcos. Also the presidential brother in law, Mister Greggy Araneta." naunang tumayo sila Mommy. Dad assisted Mama Meldy to walk to the front.

"The presidential nephews, Borgy Marcos Manotoc, Alfonso Marcos Araneta, Michael Marcos Manotoc, Luis Marcos Araneta, and Matthew Marcos Manotoc. And their wives, Cara Manglapus Manotoc, and Xandra Rocha Araneta. And the only presidential niece, Miss Irenielle Marcos Araneta."

The person that was stating our names made it sounds like I was a special mentioned. I was embarrassed a bit, I admit it. Kuya Alfonso held my hand to help me come to the front.

My cousins stood up at the back, cause they are tall men. I stood beside Mommy and Daddy on the edge. We smiled at the front. Everyone applauded us.

"The 'V' sign, fam!" I told my family and they chuckled. They followed me eventually.

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