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We finished all the campaigns well. The support of the people are really unbelievable. We garnered a million plus during the last miting de avance! And I think we even got the majority votes of the people in Cebu, which has the most numbers of voters.

I'm so proud on seeing the team's poster every time we walk past it. Their faces are everywhere! Now all we have to worry is the results. I am really confident that we are going to win.

Tomorrow is the election day. I am currently in Ilocos right now cause we were registered here, except my Dad. He's the one left in Manila. I am just in my room laying down on my bed while browsing on social media.

My face were spreading around social media now. There are compliments, bashing, and also comparing. We cannot avoid those and I am slowly getting used to it.

There is a post from a certain account here on twitter which I can't identify if it's a opposition fan account or our supporters account. It was a stolen picture of mine which I looked very extravagant, this was taken a week ago.

I was wearing a white spaghetti strap dress that reaches until my knee pairing it with a simple whit sandals and a beige headband.

Her aura screams "My way or the highway" And she does really looks spoiled. But can't deny that she's really pretty.

Reading the caption again and again can't help me to identify if that account was from the rivals or our supporter. I just chose to scroll it down and watched movies instead.

I was very engaged to the movie I'm watching that I didn't noticed that I already dozed off to sleep. I woke up because of the sun rays hitting my face. I also felt someone is sitting down on my bed.

I gently rubbed my eyes to see who it was, and it was my Mom. I immediately smiled upon seeing her, she smiled back. We cuddled for a moment, feeling each other's warmth.

Then she says, "Take a bath na. We'll go to the school that we're going to cast our votes, after an hour and thirty."

I nodded and stood back. "Just wait for me downstairs, Mommy." She nodded.

Before going outside of my room she reminded, "I've already prepared the clothes that you're going to wear, hmm? I already ironed it, it's inside your closet, love." malambing niyang ani.

I nodded and ran to her to kiss her cheek. "Thank you, Mommy. I love you,"

She kissed my temple and said, "You're always welcome, anak. I love you so much too. Be fast, hmm?"

I nodded and ran to my bathroom to take a bath. I am seriously so nervous right now! It's my first time to vote and I am gonna be voting for my Tito, the team, and also my cousins!

I walked out of the bathroom after taking my shower and walked towards my closet. I picked the ones that was hanged and I guess that these are the clothes that Mommy prepared.

It was a red polo shirt with a phrase of 'walang tulugan' I partnered it with a black pants. I tucked it inside cause the shirt was a bit loose, and wore my white rubber shoes.

Also, I wore my red belt bag and put my basic needs inside like: Phone, wallet, alcohol and my lip balm. I sprayed perfume all over my body and tied my hair into a high ponytail. I also took a face towel from my closet.

I wore a little make up and after preparing, I went downstairs to see all of them. They're in the dining area when I went down. I sat beside Mommy and joined them on eating breakfast.

Tito was just seriously eating his breakfast and I asked him, "Tito, aren't you nervous?"

He looked at me and gave me a confused look, "Medyo lang, why?"

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