Obi - Becoming my Daughter

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Request from beautifulgothbackeryperson on Tumblr. Heyy I'd really like to read some obi wan x female child reader where he finds an abandoned little girl in the middle of nowhere and takes care of her. Maybe even train her in the way of the force.

Obi-wan entered his secret cave in the sands feeling a presence of someone else inside. Which isn't a normal thing since he was in solitude on his own hiding that he was one of the remaining Jedi. Resting a hand on the gun in his belt he raised it aiming it at a small little girl whose hiding behind his bed. "Hello there, little's alright I'm not going to hurt you." He puts his gun away bending on a knee trying to not scare her away. The girl leans forward towards him where he could see she was weak and probably hadn't eaten properly in awhile. "My name is Ben. Can I know your name?" He asked offering her his hands that she reluctantly put her's in.

"I'm Y/n..." I mumbled up to the old man with a beard. He has bright blue eyes staring at me while handing me a bowl of food. Picking up the fork I slowly eat as he watches me for a second. "How in the world did you get out here all by yourself?" He asked removing the hood from over his head hanging it up on the wall by the bed. "I've gotten sold off by my parents to raise my other siblings. Basically they abandoned me on our home planet and a ship dropped me here." Ben's face fell sadly to the ground reaching over and placing a hand over my other one that layed on the table. "You don't have to worry about that happening again my dear. I'll look out for you. If you'd like stay here." He offered with a small smile that makes me actually smile for once.

That night Obi-wan sat in a chair watching you sleep soundly under the covers of his bed. He runs his fingers over his beard deep in thought. He didn't want to make you uncomfortable so he knew it was better to keep his distance. "No, no, I don't want to go!" He lifts his gaze seeing you toss in your sleep whimpering until he goes to your side brushing your hair away from your face waking you up. "Y/n, you're alright. It's just a dream. You're with me sweetheart." She stopped squirming and instantly threw her arms around his neck terrified. So he moved the covers laying down beside the young girl, draping an arm around her so she felt safer while she slept. He knew that the both of you needed to feel safe in these times of such horror and nightmares.

Comments really appreciated :)

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