You're Perfect Darling

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Request from klarex on Tumblr. Hello again, dear!!❤❤❤ What about Obi-wan and short reader? I'm really short myself heh..Love you!!!😚❤

Pacing around my quarters I bite my nails trying to block out the unwanted thoughts plaguing my mind. The ones that keep saying that Obi-wan would leave me because I am too short compared to his height. Trying my best I didn't want to be insecure of my height but it still manages to happen every once in a while. The door to my quarters opened and closed meaning he was returning from a meeting with the Jedi Council. Exiting the bathroom I try and hide the evidence that I had been crying by getting rid of the tissue on the floor but he can read my stance even when the evidence is gone. "Why have you been crying darling?" Tilting my head down to the ground I bite my lip not giving him an answer.

"Y/n look at me. You know you can tell me anything right?" He asked taking my face in his hands so I'd look him in the eye instead. He used his thumbs to wipe away the tears. But I don't answer him instead I bury my face into his robe feeling my cheeks turning red. If I tell him he'll probably laugh at how silly it sounds. "Darling tell me what's wrong. I can't fix it unless you tell me, please." He begged pulling my chin up giving me the innocent puppy dog eyes I was weak for. Wrapping my hands around the brown robe I croaked through tears to my boyfriend's question. "It's stupid...I'm afraid you'll...leave me because I'm short." Immediately I bury my face in his chest waiting for him to laugh or just leave right then and there. Yet that's not what happened at all, he picked me up bridal style sitting me down on the bed.

He bends down on his knees ditching his boots and robe on the floor leaning up to start kissing me slowly. He moves his kisses all over my face making me release a fit of giggling at his innocent actions. "Obi-wan why are you doing this?" I asked trying to control the smile on my face when he pulled away. He rests his hands on either side of me flashing his smile. "Because I love you Y/n. No matter you're height and you need to know that. You deserve to see you the way I do." Raising my hands over my mouth I started crying again but this time they were happy tears in relief. "You really mean it, Obi-wan. You don't think I'm too short?" He shakes his head getting up and pulling me to sit on his lap. Our arms around the other like it wasn't forbidden. "Yes my dear Y/n. You're everything I want. You're perfect my darling." For the first time today I finally was the one to start the kiss and he kissed back with all the love he had.

Comments really appreciated

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